
Friday, January 23, 2015

Crush 1.23.15

What is it this time?!

No, this post is not about my crush. In fact, I only named it that because it's related to him, but I'm unsure of how I could name it???
Here is the story: My sophomore friend is trying to set me up with a sophomore boy so that I can stop liking my crush, which is pissing me off because it's none of her business who I like. I asked her if my crush was a bad person or did something pretty bad and she replied no. With that in mind, what would be her problem with me liking this boy? He's not bad! I ask her if one of her friend's likes him and she says no to that as well, but the difference in her voice (which I don't think people realize they do. It's good to just be an open book as Mark Twain says, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." I used to think it was okay to lie, but when I read that it really got to me. Lying is bad, but not the point of this post.) was so obvious that you could tell she was lying. I didn't know why she would lie about that, what's the huge secret??? Two girls liking the same guy, it's happened many times, it's no biggie. He's very attractive, (in my opinion, my mom doesn't think so *chuckles*) why wouldn't other girls like him??? I'm not the jealous type, not in the least. I've learned that if you want to have a good life, nothing should ever trouble you. My sophomore friend said my crush is just a fantasy that will never happen, that it's impossible. Very rude I must say, because my idea of love is not as near the same as hers. To me love is about being friends first and if my crush were ever to ask me if I "like" liked him (To a certain extent I do "like" like him of course, but is not so strong that I would dwell over him. It is quite apparent that is infatuation. You can be infatuated with anything and not be in love with it.) I'd probably reply saying, "Did you think I liked you? I just wanted to be friends, dude." Of course, this sophomore girl i trying to tell me that I shouldn't be into one guy and yes I understand that, but it's not like I'm doing anything bad. I'm rather fond of him, but if he were to never speak to me again it wouldn't kill me.
I don't know what to make of this situation, but I really do hope the sophomore girl doesn't try to make this an even bigger thing. Her bothering me about trying to like the sophomore boy, who is by the way very funny, is not going to make me happy with her anymore. Sure, I love to laugh, but it doesn't mean I love the guy. If I really loved funny guys, then I'd love every guy (There are a lot of funny boys at my school actually.) I hope everything can be resolved very soon and maybe even my crush can become friends with me. I don't know if he is going to the dance, but if he does go then it would be very nice if he tried to talk to me. I'd be extremely awkward though. I don't know, he confuses me a lot. We catch glimpses of each other now and then, but I think it's only my imagination. Alas, this is the end of my post dear readers, I'm glad I was able to share this with you guys!~ I will try to stay lovely.

Girls Are Like Apples

Strange Post Name, Huh?

(I am trying my hand at different fonts, sadly I have to copy and paste from other documents to do this.)
My friend posted this on facebook (My friend took this quote from Pete Wentz, and I bet if I ask her who Pete Wentz is she won't know who it is.) today and I just had to share it with you guys, because I believe that what it says is very true. I am very sorry to the foreign readers, I will rewrite it down below the picture for you guys.

(Repeated for the foreign readers of my blog. Thank you very much for reading: "Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good one because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.")

I believe this quote is very true. It's only my opinion and it's probably biased since I'm a girl, but I notice guys don't really seem to go for girls that are actually good for them, they go for the one's who don't really care about the boy, but the idea of having a boy to call hers. I don't like that one bit, but I must say, the really good guys have the same thing going for them. Girls are always saying "Why are their no decent guys?" and in my mind I say, "Well, maybe it's because you choose whoever wants you not necessarily who is actually a nice gentleman." There are no gentlemen these days. At least none I have met. :( 
I hope whoever is reading this feeling a little sad that they have no one (especially with Valentine's Day coming up) feels better after reading that quote. I'm single and I must say even though I may have a crush on someone I don't necessarily care to be with him. I'm very happy being single despite other teenage girls who feel like they are nothing because they don't have a boyfriend. I hope someone genuinely loves me for me and that everybody who feels like no one likes them one day has the chance of feeling that they are loved by the person they love.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ten Random Facts About Me

More facts about me

So in the other random facts, there was always a question asked and I found that rather easy. With this one, I can say anything I want about myself, which might interest you. Feel free to comment below, I made it so you can be anonymous when you post. Once again, you can send questions here and I will be happy to answer any of them.

1. I am demisexual (to be specific I only like guys) and yes you can laugh, I've seen the memes. Very funny. Yeah, no I guess I do want a serious relationship before sex, but in a way that doesn't seem to be the case these days. I could live without ever kissing someone, sure I'd wonder but I wouldn't care. I really like talking and hanging out, yeah my ideal relationship would be one where it's like a friendship where we don't care what anyone thinks and we don't have to do anything like sex to be happy. A simple hug or hold of the hands is all I need and if we can have fun and laugh, but also be serious and deep then we're cool.
2. I love manga, comics, and graphic novels. A lot of people these days only like it, because it makes them different, but different is starting to become mainstream. I like to call myself nonconformist, but wouldn't that mean I am conforming to nonconformity??? It's very confusing. Still, I am a nonconformist in the sense that I like to be myself without being fake about it. I don't care what anyone else thinks.
3. I live in California, must say it's a great place to live in!!! I mean just a wonderful place with a wonderful history. 
4. I was once told to audition for a spot into an acting school by a Talent School who quote on quote "liked my style". If you saw all the kids who were there, you'd know it was just a scam to get money.
5. I'm really romantic, but I'm not at the same time. If I dated you I'd make fun of you (lovingly of course), but I'd also want to lay out and watch the stars together.
7. I almost died because I was sleepwalking.
8. I don't know my blood type.
9. For a whole week I only watched movies with Hugh Grant in them. No surprise there, I had a huge crush on him.

10. I read one page of the dictionary everyday before I go to sleep.

Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed!!! STAY LOVELY!

Those That Which Are Talented: Chapter Four (Part Three of Three)

Chapter Four: (Part Three of Three)


We had finally parted ways when we reached home. It was barely five and the party was going to start at seven so I had plenty of time to get ready. I took a quick shower, just to feel clean and then put on a perfume that was in a pink bottle. I never used to use perfume, but this seemed like an occasion where you would use perfume and what better than perfume in a pink bottle to match my pink dress! It smelled nice and somehow there was no one in the bathroom, probably because they all had gotten ready prior to me coming in. Everyone was probably trying to impress Devin, for which I still did not see the reason.

I soon changed in the designated stalls located in the shower room. I put on my dress and I felt pretty once more. I quickly went upstairs and put on a pair of nude heels.

“Wow, now aren't you all dolled up,” Teagan said when she got out of the bathroom in a metallic gray dress. It was short and had a pretty low V-neck. If she wore that to this party, I couldn't wait to see what the other girls wore and how extremely underdressed and unsexy I was compared to all of them.

“Oh, thanks, but I can’t compare to you,” I said noticing she actually had a really nice body.

“Thanks,” she said and I noticed she didn’t have her glasses on.

“Do you have contacts on?” I asked.

“Of course,” she said. “I wouldn't want to look stupid.” I couldn't help but want to mutter that she did look stupid without her glasses on, but I resisted.

“Oh, of course not,” I said instead. “Well, maybe we’ll hang out a bit later at the party itself.”

“Yeah, maybe,” she said. “It’s hard to find people in those parties though. They’re always held in the recreational room of Building F, which is basically all the way in the back. And since there are so many people from school going, it gets hard to find who you want to find unless you go with them, but trust me you will lose the person if you two do not go around the party together and I’m sure Lysander wouldn't be able to deal with having to socialize with any of the other students.”

I did not enjoy when anyone said anything about Lysander as if he were some sociopath, sure he was maybe even perhaps a psychopath, but honestly I didn't care. He was a great person in my eyes. I simply nodded my head and continued with my make-up. I put on a light brown eye shadow and mascara.

“Kalliope, your eyes look so pretty,” Teagan said. “Did you even curl them?”

“My eyes are naturally curled…” I said. “Is that strange?”

“Well, most girls don’t have naturally curly eyelashes,” she said. “You could do better with your eyebrows though. I mean you don’t even draw on them.”

“I don’t particularly like the idea of drawing on eyebrows, I find it…idiotic.”

“Really?” she said. “But then you’ll have like guy brows.”

“No, they’re simply eyebrows, it doesn't matter. I mean maybe if they were shaped so strangely that you had an insecurity towards them it would be okay, but it doesn't seem so in my case.”

“Oh, alright,” she said. “I respect a person with a strong opinion.”

I nodded again agreeing and through the mirror I could see she was smirking. I didn't understand why, but I simply applied my lip gloss and that was that. I didn't want to think about why she was even smirking in the first place.

“Well, I’m going to go to Lysander’s dorm now, see you at the party,” I said.

“Yes, see you then,” she said with a hint in her voice that she knew something that I did not.

I walked to Lysander’s dorm without anyone noticing me which was good, because having someone either compliment you or make a snarky remark towards you is not all that great. With compliments you have to stop and say thank you and with snarky remarks it just ruins your mood.

I knocked on Lysander’s door and he opened it without his shirt on, but he did have his pants on which was great. They were made of PVC which made him look real hard core.

“Wow, I like your pants,” I said.

“I like my dick too,” he said.

“I said pants,” I said.

“I know,” he said. “You meant dick though.”

“No, I did not,” I said.

“Well, if isn't Kalliope a.k.a the prettiest girl in school,” Aloysius said.

“Hello Alloy,” I said.

“Oh my gosh, she called me Alloy, Lysander! She doesn't have a pet name for you, but she has one for me!” he bragged.

“Tut, tut, Kalliope and I are on such high standards that we don’t even need pet names for each other,” Lysander said putting on his white collared shirt made of PVC as well. It actually looked nice on him. He could be anything he wanted, he truly was a mannequin.

“If I were a girl, I’d hit on you,” Aloysius said wearing a T-shirt that had a tuxedo on it to be funny and skinny jeans with a chain hooped around it.

“If I were a girl, I’d hit on you,” Lysander said to Aloysius.

They hi-fived each other and laughed.

“Lysander, allow me to take a picture of you and your wife,” Aloysius said.

“Did you just call me his wife?” I asked.

“Oh, I meant date, but both go hand in hand,” Aloysius said.

“Aloysius, you obviously made her uncomfortable,” Lysander said. “You’re supposed to reply with an apology not an explanation.”

“It’s fine,” I said.

“Whatever, PVC boy, you and your fifties sweetie aren't going to look this good and not get a picture together,” Aloysius said taking out his phone.

Before he took the picture he paused and Lysander said, “Well on with it!”

“Yeah, but you know what I realized, I don’t have your girlfriend’s number! How do I send the picture to her?” Aloysius asked.

“Look, I don’t even have it either,” Lysander said. “So you’ll have to ask her yourself.”

“Ah, okay,” Aloysius said taking the picture and then showing it to us. We looked really nice together and I smiled.

“Give me your phone so I can enter my number,” I said. Aloysius handed it to me and I put it in.

“Me too!!!” Lysander exclaimed with delight handing me his phone. I entered my phone number and smiled.

“Now you can text me at night,” I said.

“Wow, I am getting the most perverted ideas in my mind right now,” Lysander said spinning around like he’d obtained something he’d wanted his whole life.

“Good to know,” I said and we all went out of his room, because it was already 6:45.


As we walked out to Building F, I felt an uneasy feeling about it. The way Teagan was smirking just caused my stomach to flip at the thought of it. As we walked out to Building F, I felt an uneasy feeling about it. The way Teagan was smirking just caused my stomach to flip at the thought of it.

“You know my roommate, Teagan, right?” I asked them.

“Yes, what about her?” Lysander said.

“Well, who does she hang around with?” I asked.

“Ah, are you trying to get some dirt on her?” Aloysius asked.

“No, no, not at all! She just looked at me weird and now I’m feeling really bad about going to this party,” I explained.

“Well, she doesn't really hang around people per se, but if I would categorize her with anyone she’s the oddball that hangs around the popular people because the popular people want to feel accepting. She’s well aware of her role as that person too!”

“Damn,” I said. “Now I feel even worse.”

“Well, we don’t have to go,” Lysander said. “I mean if you feel that uneasy. It’s not like we wanted to go in the first place.”

“Yes, but you bought me this dress and I don’t want to put it to waste,” I said meekly.

“Oh…” he said beginning to blush. “Well, I’ll watch out for you then. I’d feel much better if something happened to you and not me!”

“You’re such a good boyfriend,” Aloysius said. “I wonder why girls don’t like you.”

“Because they think I’m a socially inept person who is also very perverse. It could also be the fact that I act condescending towards others and I make fun of every touchy subject out there.”

“What do you see in him?” Aloysius said with a laugh.

“I’m not sure. I guess I find his unsociability very attractive,” I said.

We entered Building F finally and the party was already started. Very loud and crowded. You would have thought that it wasn't a party, but a night out at the hottest club in town!

Someone tapped me on the back, “Kalliope, you’re late!!!” Malerei said.

“Late, it’s barely seven!” I said.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. A bunch of people have been waiting since six though,” she informed me. “I really like your dress!”

“Thanks, you look great in yours too,” I said. She was as underdressed as I was compared to everyone else in there, but she looked really nice in her simple black dress. The four of us together all looked really great together, like we didn't care at all that everyone looked much better than us.

“Hey, who’s this?” Malerei said pointing at Aloysius.

“I am the ever so talented Aloysius and it is a pleasure to officially meet you Ms. Mont,” Aloysius said like a chivalrous knight even bowing to get her hand and kiss it.

“Wow, I've never been greeted like that!” Malerei said with a smile.

“Well, that’s because most men don’t go by the gentlemen’s code,” Aloysius said.

“What’s the gentlemen’s code?” Malerei asked.

“Well, you must always regard a lady you find attractive as if she were something very rare,” Aloysius said.

“Oh,” Malerei said putting her hands to her cheeks to hide her blush, but it was obvious she was. Lysander and I exchanged looks and smiled.

“Aloysius don’t you see you’re bothering the girl,” Lysander said.

“No, he’s not!” Malerei said. “That was actually very nice of him to say, oh, if only other guys were like that.”

“Most aren't,” I said thinking of how much she liked Devin when he wasn't even worth it.

“I know right. I’m pretty sure my guy is a gentleman,” Malerei said.

“Oh, you have a boyfriend?” Aloysius asked. “I can’t take back my hand kiss now.”

“No, I don’t, but I have a crush,” Malerei said.

“On who may I ask?” Aloysius asked.

“Let Lysander tell you,” Malerei replied. “Come with me to the bathroom before this party gets full.” It was already full, how much more full could it get!

We walked to the bathroom and in the corner of my eye I could see Lysander obviously telling Aloysius who Malerei liked. In all honesty, I still can’t see what she sees in someone so dreadfully boring and fake.

On our way to the bathroom my eyes caught Teagan’s but I looked away quickly. The most horrible thing about doing that though is that the other person knows you saw them and that you looked away. It’s not a great thing to do, but I didn't want her to come over to us. While she used the bathroom I decided I should use it too before I feel like using it later when as Malerei said, it was the party would be fuller.

“Malerei, you were blushing,” I told her.

“I know,” she said in the stall next to mine. “No one’s ever done that to me. It was a nice surprise. Is he always like that?”

“I just met him so I wouldn't know!” I said with a laugh. “He’s a funny guy though.”

We got out of the bathroom stall at the same time and I washed my hands with the lemon scented soap.

When I went out and heard the room filled with the crappy music considered by everyone to be the greatest hit…of the week.

“I wish they’d play something cool!” I told Malerei.

“Like what?!” Devin asked me tapping my shoulder. Malerei’s eyes widened and I could see Teagan and Piper talking and laughing. I still couldn't believe Teagan was fake, I mean she had been totally opposed to Piper when she was telling me about her.

“Oh, it’s your party, you can play whatever you want. I was just saying my opinion,” I said.

“And I’d like to hear more of your opinion. What will get you dancing?” he asked.

“I don’t really dance,” I said.

“Nonsense, your boyfriend will make you dance,” Devin said.

“Doubt it,” I said.

“Well, what kind of music do you like?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Play some Nirvana.”

“Oh, you’re into that,” Devin said.

“Yeah,” I said walking off with Malerei. I turned around to see all Devin join Teagan and Piper. Piper kissed Devin’s cheek. It only made sense, they were probably together, but not exclusive since they sure liked to flirt with everyone.

“Devin must really like you a lot,” Malerei said with a sigh.

“Aw, Mal, you shouldn't like someone like him,” I said. “Honestly, he’s no good for you.”

“But why not?!” Malerei whined.

“I just get a bad vibe from him,” I said.

“I see,” she said. “Well, it’s just I don’t that’s all.”

“I understand that,” I said.

When we’d finally gotten back to Lysander and Aloysius they were with Seymour who looked so cute in his nice fit suit.

“Aww, hey, you look so cute!” I told Seymour.

“Boys do not want to be regarded as cute,” Aloysius said. “You must say charming.”

“Oh, then Seymour is charming,” I said.

“Oh,” Seymour said blushing. “Th-thanks.”

We laughed and Seymour said, “Did you see my sister by any chance?”

“Umm, yeah!” I replied. “She was somewhere over there in the middle.”

“Wow, okay, thanks! I was going to ask her something, but I don’t want to get lost in that chaos.”

“Oh, I remember last year you broke your glasses because you went in the middle and everyone was dancing and you couldn't see. That must have been bad. I wouldn't take that chance either,” Aloysius said.

“Aww, that happened to you!!! That sucks!” I told him.

“Oh, it was foolish of me to even walk in. It was completely my fault,” Seymour said.


We’d been at the party for a while now, still listening to sucky music that was not in the least catchy. At least at the dances I went to at my old school they’d play something catchy enough for everyone to be dancing.

Then finally, I could hear “Smells Like Teen Spirit” filled the room and you could see all the people who were bored as hell flood the dance floor.

“He put Nirvana for you,” Malerei said. “Should we dance?”

“If you want to dance,” I said. “I don’t really feel like it.”

“Don’t you think he’ll get mad?” Malerei asked me.

“That’s not my problem,” I said. “I mean it’s not like he’s going to come out of there to come get me.”

“Hey, I put on some Nirvana for you!” Devin said almost as if he had heard what I just said. “Is it okay if I take your girlfriend to dance?”

“No,” Lysander said. “I’ll take her.”

“Cool, cool. Hey, Seymour,” Devin said.

 I could see Seymour went all tense so I turned to him and said, “Will you come with us?”

“M-me?” he said pointing at himself.

“Yeah,” I said. “We’re all going. I wouldn't want to leave you here all alone.”

“Oh, sure, of course!” Seymour said blushing a bit. He was such a cute little boy. I pity the people who make fun of him. They really ought to try to get to know someone before they’re calling them things.

We all went out in the middle of the dance floor and Seymour asked me, “Well, how do you dance to this kind of music?”

“I mean at my old school I used to just jump around when they played music I liked, so I couldn't tell you,” I said.

“Well, why aren't you jumping now?” he asked.

“Because the place is crowded, I honestly do not want to dance here,” I said. Lysander and Aloysius waved at someone behind us! When I turned around it was Isadora.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey! Wow, you look stunning!” she said with a smile. She was underdressed also, simply wearing a white dress with floral print and a red sash around it.

“Thanks, you look great too!” I said.

“You’re the first person to say so the whole night! Of course, boys don’t really pay attention to me, so that wouldn't be such a surprise,” she said making fun of herself and laughing.

“The only reason people don’t say anything is because they are jealous,” I said.

“I wish that were the truth,” Isadora said. “I know it is not though.”

The song finished and everyone cleared the dance floor and as we were walking away, Devin came over and stopped us. All six of us. It was strange and I didn’t get why he was doing that.

“Oh look, it’s a perfect group of six. Three girls. Three guys. Are you all enjoying the party?” he asked.

None of us answered, because we all weren't enjoying.

“Obviously you are,” he said. “Kalliope though, you know you’re really pretty.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“You’re little clique here looks great, too,” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing, it’s just people like you guys. We don’t really like you. You’re there for our amusement.”

“Devin, what are you saying?” Malerei said.

“The truth obviously loser,” Devin said. “I mean you guys are all losers who think you guys are much better than the rest of the student body.”

“Fuck off,” I said giving him the middle finger.

“Oh, so tough! You think you’re better than everyone,” he said to me, which in all honesty he was just describing his little girlfriend over there. “And Lysander, you think that everything you say is so misunderstood and that’s why you have no friends. Aloysius is just thinks he’s funny, when he’s not and Isadora acts like she can’t be touched because she’s so elegant. Haha, you Malerei try soooo hard to make the world a better place while still trying to be dark. What are you sunshine or darkness?! I call you fake. Then we have little Seymour, the faggot who thinks everyone should pity him! You guys are nothing but a bunch of freaks. That’s why you all hang out with each other.”

None of us said a word at all. We didn't know how to say anything back to that. Then all the lights shined brightly on us. It was bright and my eyes couldn't see well until they adjusted. Up on the screen was us at the moment. It was us looking at us in the present. I could even see my hand lifting up above my eyes in the screen as I did the same.

“A little cliché, but I mean it works everytime,” Devin said.

“What?” I said and my questions were answered. Yeah, it was one of the most cliché things a teenager could do. Dump something on the person everyone made fun of at school, because it was okay to do so. Yeah, it was totally okay.

All six of us were covered in egg whites and then everyone in their just started laughing. They came and silly-stringed us! Who does that? It was like they’d planned this way before I had even come to school. Why would anyone do this?

I could hear Malerei and Seymour crying. I felt especially bad for them. Lysander was trying to get everything off of his PVC outfit knowing it would be ruined. Isadora wasn't doing anything she was just staring at everyone like me. Aloysius was just looking at the screen not sure whether all of this was happening or not and then as if it weren't me but someone else, my feet started walking and I left. I pushed my way through and I started to go. That’s when the rest of them started to follow me and they came outside with me.

“What the hell is their problem?” I asked to absolutely no one, but I turned around to look at my friends.

“Kalliope, they just don’t understand us,” Lysander said and in his eyes I could see he was replaying every hurtful thing our fellow alumni had done to him before.

“Basically, every year they pick on us, a lot of kids either succumbed to the taunts and became one of them by force or they just left the school completely,” Isadora explained.

“They’re going to fucking pay for that!” I said. “We’ll all show them that we’re better!!!”

“What do you mean?” Malerei said still crying a bit. I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

“We’re going to show them that they shouldn't mess with us and not in the ‘I’m going to get revenge on you’ way, it’s the ‘I was better than you all along’ way. They’re obviously threatened by our talent!”

“No, they just hate us,” Seymour said. “No matter what, people will side with them.”

“Yeah, I get that,” I said. “I guess nothing works.”

“No, you can’t say that,” Lysander said. “We need to show them that we don’t care and that we’re not the weak ones. That’s all we show them by not fighting back! We show them that they are capable of breaking us down again. None of us said anything in their when they dropped that disgusting mess on us and they think that they can do it again, because of that! We have to show them that we’re much stronger than that!”

I looked up at him wondering how many times he had been broken to be saying that with such passion.

“I have an idea!” Devin said pounding his fist on his open palm. You could almost see a light bulb appear above his head. “If we use Lysander’s web show and I’m not sure how, because if we make fun of them we’ll get in trouble, but maybe somehow we can.”

“Actually, no, we can use my web show to do such things,” Lysander said with a mischievous smirk on his face. “It would be considered art not anything more. I've made fun of people various times and it never seemed to rattle anybody, but now…I think things will be different this time.”


The boys split up from us, because we all wanted to go shower and get rid of the egg whites that covered us.

“They planned it out so elaborately!” Isadora said. “How did they know that we would all be in the same section at the same time?”

“I think they didn't but they knew the moment we all got in the same section, they would tell everyone to clear out so they could do that,” I said.

Malerei was still crying, “Kalliope, you were absolutely right about Devin. I can’t believe I didn't see it earlier. I feel really stupid now.”

“Well, don’t feel bad about it. You learned from that experience, right?” I told her.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Malerei said getting a smile on her face. We each went to our own rooms to get a change of clothes. When we went to shower with each other we were all respectful, because I’m sure we all had that pet peeve about not being respectful in the bathroom.

I felt so much better after taking my shower, but I didn't want to go back to my room and see Teagan in the morning. “I don’t want to go back in my room.”

“Neither do I,” Malerei said.

“There’s nowhere we could stay,” I said.

“Yeah, Aloysius and Lysander’s room,” Isadora said.

“Huh?” Malerei and I said at the same time.

“It’s not like they’ll be perverts, then again Aloysius is fond of you and Lysander is found of you,” Isadora said.

“Huh?” Malerei and I repeated again.

“Don’t worry, I did it once before! They’re pleasant and very courteous. Especially since they go by their little gentlemen’s code.”

Malerei and I looked at each other and I said, “Well, as long as we share the bed they can’t do anything!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Malerei said.

“Okay, let’s go,” I said and we walked all the way to their room and knocked on the door. Aloysius, Lysander, and Seymour were all in the room together in their boxers. That was a laugh!

“Ah!” Seymour said trying to cover himself even though it wasn't something we were thinking about.

“Can we stay with you guys?” Isadora asked.

“We expected you would,” Lysander said shrugging. He looked so good without a shirt on. I refrained from looking though, because I didn't want to start blushing.

“Kalliope, dear, look at my body,” Lysander said turning my face to face his.

“Lysander, you’re such a pervert. I will not look at your body,” I said.

“Eh, it’s scrawny anyways,” Aloysius said.

“At least I don’t have abs with a small belly,” Lysander said. “I don’t understand how that even works.”

“Because it does and I am more in shape then you,” Aloysius said. “Ask Kalliope, I bet she’d say that she’d rather have someone who has a thicker body than someone who is a stick.”

“Oh, I find scrawny boys rather attractive,” I admitted. Lysander smirked at Aloysius.

“See, she finds scrawny boys rather attractive,” Lysander said playing with my hair. “I find myself rather attractive as well.”

“That’s nice sweetheart now go to sleep!” I said.

“Kalliope!” Lysander said. “You don’t stay up late.”

“Sometimes, but only if I need to. I don’t like to on school days,” I said.

“Ah, well then, you heard the lady! We must go to sleep!” Lysander said. “Shall we sleep together?”

“No,” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Well, where do you suppose we will all sleep, there are only two beds in this room you know?”

“Yeah, the girls will sleep in one bed and the boys will sleep in the other,” I explained.

“That’s gay,” Lysander said.

“Says the one who looks and acts gay,” Aloysius said.

“Says the one who acts and looks gay,” Lysander said.

“I see what you did there,” Aloysius said and they each put their thumb on their nose and wiggled their fingers.

“Wow, is that part of your gentlemen’s code?” I asked.

“No, that’s our secret handshake,” Aloysius said. “Only really good friends can do that without getting offended.”

“I know right,” I said doing putting my thumb on my nose and wiggling my fingers. They laughed with me. “Now then, get to bed dorks.”

“I suppose Aloysius and Seymour can sleep on the floor,” Lysander said.

“No, you have to roshambo for the bed!” I said.

“No, strict gentlemen’s code, no roshambo!” Aloysius said. “What are you trying to break our balls?!”

“Yes, actually,” I said. “Do roshambo as in rock, paper, scissors?”

“Oh, that is perfectly acceptable,” Aloysius said. “Alright, you must blindfold us.”

“Whatever,” I said covering Lysander’s eyes. Isadora covered Seymour’s and Malerei covered Aloysius’ eyes.

“Rock,” I said.

“Paper,” Isadora said.

“Scissors,” Malerei said.

They each let their hand go. Lysander played rock, Seymour played paper, and Aloysius played scissor.

“Again guys,” I said.

They then proceeded by changing their hands except Lysander who remained at rock. Seymour switched to scissors and Aloysius switched to rock.

“Seymour, you’re out,” Isadora said uncovering his eyes.

“Oh, that’s too bad, but I’m used to sleeping on the floor anyways,” he said.

“Okay, guys! Rock, paper, scissors!” I said.

Lysander shot out scissors and Aloysius had scissors as well.

“Again,” Malerei and I said in unison.

Lysander stayed at scissors and Aloysius switched to rock.

We both uncovered their eyes.

“NOOOOO!” Lysander said. “I beg you, Kalliope! Let’s sleep together!”

“No,” I said.

“Ugh!” Lysander said.

“You have to pay the price pretty boy. Lay your luscious hair on the floor. I mean come on you’ll use a blanket anyways.”

“I suppose so,” Lysander said with a sigh. He proceeded by putting on a rubber band on his hair and making it a pony tail. I almost wanted to laugh, but the fact he looked so handsome with a pony tail stopped me.

“Good night, guys!” I said.

“Good night,” Lysander said turning off the lights. He came over to where the girls were and he kissed my cheek and I smiled. I lifted up my head to look at him as he went to go lie down on a blanket.

I’d woken up in the middle of the night to see him serene lying down on the floor. He looked so handsome at that moment with his eyes closed, his mouth open, his hair tied up, and the little twitch his leg kept doing. I could have stared for the rest of the night, but I felt a bit weird doing that. It did make me happier for tomorrow though.