
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Numerical Facts About Me

Hope You Aren't Annoyed...

But I haven't done one of these in a while so you shouldn't be! ^_^ So the picture says to add facts about myself for each day. I think not. I think I can just post this in one full swoop. Well, I hope those of you out there who enjoy my random facts are ready for this! I hope I don't repeat anything that I've already said before. That would be a total faux pas. XD Get ready to enter the world of Lovely!~

Section 1 - Ten Random Facts About Myself:

1. I want to major in psychology when I go to college. Something about understanding humans just intrigues me.
2. I Skype with an internet friend of mine. He's very cool.
3. I LOVE stand up comedy!!! Who doesn't want to laugh?! I think people think I'm a serious person until they get to know me.
4. I get anxiety when I listen to the theme for "One Missed Call". Search it up on YouTube, I'm not going to post the video. 
5. I can't cook.
6. I want very badly for someone to propose to me with a Ring Pop.
7. I'm addicted to music, like it's not healthy.
8. I'm more of a night person, but that might be obvious if you take into consideration what time I'm posting on my blog.
9. I want to learn how to code more (mostly because my internet friend mentioned in #2 is a total wiz on the computer) because it seems like fun and I'll seem smarter lol.
10. I want to learn how to speak German so I can be trilingual.

Section 2 - Nine Things I Do Everyday:

1. I listen to music everyday. There's no stopping that.
2. I daydream a lot about false romance that could never happen to me. *sob sob*
3. I read, because reading is cool.
4. I type everyday. There's no stopping that, because I'm either on my blog or on social media or writing stories.
5. I practice my singing everyday, because practice makes perfect right?
6. I'm always doing something pertaining to school whether it be studying or doing homework.
7. I watch TV everyday, usually at night.
8. I talk to my friends everyday.
9. I write poetry or songs.

Section 3 - Eight Things That Annoy Me

1. People who say "no homo".
2. People who are not open-minded
3. People who say they have better music taste than you, because no one has better music taste than someone else.
4. People who get pissed off way to easily.
5. People who treat you like you aren't good enough.
6. People who think being different is bad.
7. People who act different because they think it is cool, but not because they actually are, so they're just being fake.
8. People who criticize everything!

Section 4 - Seven Fears/Phobias

1. Fear of dying.
2. Fear of heights.
3. Fear of not achieving my goals.
4. Fear of falling in love with someone who isn't "the one".
5. Fear of my loved one's dying before me.
6. Fear of becoming nothing
7. Fear of becoming another fake.

Section 5 - Six Songs That I Am Addicted To

1. "Rock Me Amadeus" - Falco
2. "House of the Rising Sun" - The Animals
3. "Boom" - System of a Down
4. "Sweet Dreams" - Marilyn Manson
5. "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend" - Marilyn Monroe
6. "Blank Space" - Taylor Swift

Section 6 - Five Things I Can't Live Without

1. Internet
2. Music
3. Books.
4. Learning
5. Movies/Television Shows (Counts as one, right???)

Section 7 - Four Memories

1. When I was a child I thought gonorrhea was a medicine that took away diarrhea. Like "Gone" + "Diarrhea" = "Gonorrhea"
2. I liked this kid in first grade and I kicked him in the balls and I honestly didn't understand why it hurt. I didn't realize boys peed standing up until I was ten.
3. There was this time in sixth grade when one of my friend's walked into a pole and she just kept walking.
4. This is pretty recent, but last year at my 8th grade talent show I did a backbend, because LynZ Way could do a backbend and I thought it would be awesome if I did a backbend since I was performing a Mindless Self Indulgence song "Prescription" if you're curious.

Section 8 - Three Words You Can't Go A Day Without Using

1. Awesome.
2. Weird
3. Dude

(There's actually a bunch more, but those are the first three that came into my mind.)

Section 9 - Two Things I Wish I Could Do

1. I wish I could do a backflip in the air!!!!
2. I wish I could travel all the time.

Section 10 - One Person I Can Trust

1. God.

Hope you liked this. Be lovely!~ (so I dwindled down my catchphrase, sorry the other stuff wasn't working as I tried in this post

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

50 Lunch Detention words

I'd Like To Give A Moment of Recognition...

To the 50 lunch detention words I had to do, because I "plagiarized" on an assignment. The problem is...I DIDN'T PLAGIARIZE!!! I took from a website and I cited the information, but because I did not put two quotation marks around the information it was assumed that I paraphrased, which I did not do. My punishment was to do 50 words like everyone else who gets punished at school. Of course, better that I got to do it during my week of spring break. I was able to complete them in three days (4.5.15 - 4.7.15). The first day I did 5, the second I did 40, and the last day today I did 5. 
The thing is every word was an "f" word, so I basically took it as a big "f*** you" and that pissed me off. Well, it didn't matter. And you couldn't believe that as picky as my school is about details, two of the words were misspelled!!!
Here are the 50 words I had to do. Enjoy :(

  1. fallible
  2. falsetto
  3. farcical (spelled farcicle on the paper)
  4. fastidious
  5. fatal
  6. fathom
  7. fauna
  8. faux pas
  9. fawning
  10. fealty
  11. feline
  12. feminine
  13. fester
  14. fete
  15. fetid
  16. fiasco
  17. fidelity
  18. fiduciary
  19. filament
  20. filet
  21. filial
  22. finale
  23. finesse
  24. finicky
  25. flamboyant
  26. flex
  27. flexible
  28. flippant
  29. flora
  30. flotila
  31. flotsam
  32. folly
  33. forbearance
  34. forebear
  35. former
  36. forte
  37. fortissimo
  38. forum
  39. foyer
  40. fraction
  41. fracture
  42. fragile
  43. fragment
  44. fragrant
  45. fraternal
  46. fresco
  47. frolic
  48. frustrate
  49. fulsome
  50. fusty

Did you enjoy? Neither did I.

Lent 2015

I Should Have Posted This Yesterday But...

Too bad and too late.
Well for 40 days (2.18.15 - 4.5.15) I did not eat any junk food. No sweets, no chips, no soda, and no nothing that I considered to be junk food. I didn't even drink orange juice, because I figured I drank it all the time so why not put that down as sugar as well. 
Well, I'm done and I've got to say it was really hard, but the temptation didn't get me as much as I thought it would and I'm really happy I did it. =)

(Enjoy my rainbow colors ^_^)

"Guitar Boy" by MJ Auch

A Fantastic Story...

I read this because I have a guitar and thought, "Maybe I'll learn something" or "Perhaps I can relate now that I have a guitar of my own." That's honestly all I thought. I never thought I'd end up liking it so much.

Brief Summary:
Geneva Tacey (the protagonist's mother) winds up getting into a very bad accident, which results in her getting a brain injury. After a few weeks of not seeing their mother, the Tacey family decides to go to the hospital. They do not see their mother. They see someone they have never seen before. After that visit, the Tacey family's father gets angry at the children for treating their mother like she wasn't their mother. Travis (the protagonist) starts rubbing his father the wrong way and from their the Tacey family's life goes downhill. Travis is kicked out of his home and before we know it the story is going through twists and turns.

So I won't spoil the rest for you, but really good story and you'll be reading with anticipation of what happens next. Their are sad moments, happy moments, and suspenseful moments. All moments are amazing and you really get into the story. I'd say even some adults would enjoy the story. All in all if you enjoy a good emotional story then this is a story for you.