
Saturday, February 21, 2015

56 Random Facts About Me

Haven't Posted in a While So Why Not a Q&A Since I Love Them...

1. Sexual Orientation: I like how all of these ask that question first, like let's get that out of the way. Demisexual. I've never had a relationship and I think also when I take my values into consideration, it just seems right. I would never just start making out with someone, it would be weird to me. I'm very romantic sure, but I think only in my own mind, not in real life. (I feel like I get more and more detailed with this everytime!~)

2. What I'm Really Bad At: I'm bad at being assertive. I mean, I try, but I really can't play the role of that girl who tells everyone to "shut up" or "who cares?" I do say who cares and stuff, but most of the time I tell myself that I don't want to push the other person so it's better not to do anything to push their buttons.

3. The One Person Who's Arms I'd Like To Be In: No one in particular. I don't think an actor or singer would suffice for this matter.

4. My Best First Date: As I've said before, I've never had a boyfriend, so I've never had a first date. If someone thought I was their first date, I don't even know how that would be possible, but sure if that makes that person happy.

5. A Description of my Self-Esteem: I guess I would say I have high self-esteem, people describe me as very easy-going and I associate that with it. Also, I try not to let what others say get to me and I don't just go with what everyone else is doing. There are times when I don't want to say something, because I don't want to bother with having to hear someone say something as I mentioned in number 2, but I would like to think of it as a form of willpower. I enough willpower to not start a fight when it doesn't need to start even when the other person is in the wrong.

6. Who My Best Friends Are: Still same as the other posts. Lately, she's been acting kind of funny, or is it me??? I think it's just high school. We're transitioning from our first semester to our second semester with pretty different intentions, so of course like any other type of relationship, it's not going to be perfect.

7. My Favorite Book: "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger =) I don't see why this book is so controversial. I think people like to make things controversial on purpose.

8. Biggest Turn Offs:
  • Someone who is stupid, not stupid as in acting (that can be cute and funny), but stupid as in they make stupid decisions and aren't smart.
  • I don't like arrogant people unless they're able to do it in such a manner where you can almost not blame the person for being arrogant, because they're already too perfect for you to point out any flaws and the ones you do point out they're aware of.
  • I can't really think right now it's 11:15 as I'm typing this (not posting until whatever time it is I end up posting it though), so yeah. XD I've never really thought about what I don't like in a guy. I've thought lots about what I do like though.
9. A Description of My Best Friend: She looks like Austin Powers right now lol.

10. My Favorite Animal: Narwhals!~

11. Someone I Miss: My friends who went to a different high school =(

12. The Reason Behind My Last Break Up: I'm going to make this about friends, not significant others. The reason I'm not friends anymore with someone was because they were messing with my best friend and it was for a very petty reason. She was mad with the grade she was given and just completely blocked her out of her life. I talk to her still, my bestie still talks to her, but it will never be the same.

13. What I Did Yesterday: Nothing much, just stayed up late doing homework like every other night.

14. What My Greatest Achievements Are: =( I don't really know. I guess making Honor Roll or Principal's List every year of my life is pretty good. Also, I won the Spelling Bee at school and the district Spelling Bee in 6th grade which was pretty awesome (mad they never passed me on through to the county one since they "couldn't find a sponsor").

15. A Description of the Person I Dislike the Most: I don't really dislike anyone at school. I do dislike the upperclassmen, not necessarily them as people since I don't know many upperclassmen personally, but just the way they act.. They seem fake and I didn't think that people at the new school I go to would act like that, I thought everyone was very distinguished, but it amazes me everytime to see that they are not. I wouldn't say it bothers me though, since I'm used to it from middle school, but it was different over there. I was used to certain people's fakeness, now I have to deal with new people's fakeness. Not going to lie though, I love my new school so much that I tolerate it and I say "Meh, not everyone is like me or my friends. I can deal with it."

16. My Favorite Songs Right Now: Right now all I listen to is Falco believe it or not, but I love his songs so much. Considering I listen to the same songs all day, I don't actually know many of his songs. I guess I would say my favorite song right now (or just the one that's currently in the back of my mind) is "Der Kommisar". The video though just is just dripping with the '80s.

17. How My Last Kiss Went Down: I kissed my mom on the cheek, does that count?

18. What I Find Attractive in the Preferred Sex: Adam's Apple all the way. I love seeing guys with Adam's Apples drink water to see it go up and down. It's funny and hot.

19. All of the Pets I've Ever Had: I had a goldfish when I was three. It's name was "Rainbowfish".

20. Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream: Chocolate!~

21. The One Place I Want to Be Right Now: School, surprisingly. Like if it were open 24/7 (lol isn't that just those private schools that have housing for the students) I'd just hang out in the library.

22. The Meanest Thing Anyone Has Ever Said to Me: I guess I don't find much mean, but let's see if I can remember anything. I don't really like to think about stuff like that, but I've been called various things. I don't really want to remember either.

23. Where I Have Lived Before: I've lived in Cali my whole life. Same city, same state, same country. My. Whole. Life.

24. I'll Love You If...: I'll love you if you just talk to me about the little things in life, but when you're ready to discuss the big things, we can talk about that, too. Go from funny to sad to serious to happy. Go from talking about TV to movies to video games to books to just about anything else. Basically, I'll love you if you're a great conversationalist.

25. What Are My Future Plans: Well, my only goal right now is to get into a good college. =) I have my ideal college, but I'm not going to post it here.

26. An Internal Conflict I Have With Myself: I don't think I have one, but maybe the fact that I never think what I do is good enough in school.

27. What I'm Doing Tomorrow: Homework, homework, and more homework. All while listening to music.

28. What I Want to Be When I Get Older: Singer is my plan A by far, but if that doesn't work out (I really hope it does. I try, I really do!) I'll become a psychologist because I find that to be really intersting.

29. Most Embarrassing Moment: Well, I was standing on the second floor of one of the buildings at school and it's balcony-like, you can see what's below and most people who are not passing underneath the balcony and are in the hallway section of the school can see everything above. Well, I was wearing a skirt that day and apparently everyone below could see my underwear, because my friend just starts yelling my name and I say what and she says "You might want to step away from there." XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

30. Two of my insecurities: My hair, I really hate it. Being told about my race. Who cares if I'm Black/Mexican, I don't think that really matters to anyone but people who notice for some odd reason. Everyone, and I'm serious, everyone thinks I am an extremely odd person and I just don't get it, that also makes me kind of insecure, but not necessarily. I just feel like people are staring and I don't like that feeling.

31. What I Would Do If I Won the Lottery: Save some money for college tuition, invest some in the bank, donate some to charity, help out my family, go on vacation.

32. A Description of the Boy I Like: I don't like him anymore, but since he still lingers in my mind (I mean I see him everyday at school so...) he is white and short with freckles. Brown hair, brown eyes. :P Pretty normal kid when you boil it down like that actually.

33. What I Love About Myself: I love everything about my personality =)

34. My Biggest Pet Peeves: People who can't deal with things. Sure, you may not like it, but that doesn't mean you have to throw a hissy fit about it! Not pushing in your chair annoys me, too. It's like, did you forget you were sitting there or did you imagine the chair pushing itself in?

35. What Bands I've Seen Live: None ='(

36. Who My Best Friends Are: I think I clarified this in one of the earlier questions. I'll tell you about my new friend though. She's really nice and she likes science, anime/manga, and she wants to be an astrophysicist when she grows up. I think that's pretty cool. =)

37. How Many Kids I Want in the Future: Have you ever heard of that amazing number? ZERO!!!~ I'll adopt though maybe, when I stop being a kid that is. I think I have Peter Pan syndrome though, I'll never grow up.

38. My Idea of a Perfect Date: At this point, there are so many possible dates that you couldn't just pick one as a perfect date. I guess I'd like to go somewhere like a museum or the beach, the beach is cool, more specifically the pier. Either destination is fine by me as long as we have a lunchtime meal where we laugh a lot and talk about what we've done so far. Afterwards we might just stay gazing at the stars. (I like the stars a lot a lot a lot. I wouldn't mind just looking out at them every night, but nighttime is a very dangerous time sadly, so I could never get to look at the stars even just for a moment. If I ever did get a moment, the light would still be ruining my chance of looking at the stars, because I wouldn't get to enjoy it's beauty in full.)

39. What I'm Really Good At: Writing Stories/Songs/Poetry. Writing essays I am not so good at unless it is something I actually want to right about, not some bad subject they give you in class that you could care less about.

40. Most Traumatic Experience: I don't think I have one. Not enough to the point where I won't even think about it anymore. I guess experiencing someone in my family die for the first time was pretty traumatic, I can't think about it without wanting to cry. ='(

41. Where I Would Like To Live: I want to live in California forever and travel to lots of other places.

42. The Nicest Thing Anyone's Ever Said To Me: my 8th grade science teacher always told me that everyone wants a student like me in their class. He is my all time favorite teacher even though we never learned anything in that class, I still tried very hard and he even stood up for me once when this girl made fun of me during class.

43. Do I Like Where I Am Right Now?: Yes, I do. All is well.

44. What I Can Hear Right Now: I'm listening to "Wanted Dead Or Alive" by Bon Jovi right now, but I can hear my grandma on the phone too.

45. My Relationship with My Sibling(s): My brother's cool, but he just doesn't understand when he should be mature and cautious.

46. All of the Pets I Have Currently: I already answered earlier. I don't understand why they have this twice?! I do want another goldfish though.

47. My Biggest Worry Currently: School. Gotta keep up with my grades.

48. Something I've Wished for Repeatedly: For a boyfriend, but I realize now that I don't really need one.

49. My Relationship with my Parents: I love them both =D

50. What Words Make Me the Best About Myself: Smart, killer (not the noun, but the description of something totally awesome!~), and none other than LOVELY!

51. Something I Should Have Said A Long Time Ago: "I'm Sorry"

52. What My Last Text Message Says: "You're ok then I think."

53. What I Hate Most About Myself: My hair. Yeah, I don't hate much about my personality. It's just the decisions I make with my personality is what I can hate at times.

54. Biggest Turn Ons: Someone intellectual.

55. What Words Upset Me The Most: None. Words are words. Words are beautiful things all part of history. It is amazing to see how the definition of a word can evolve in ten years. I mean faggot used to mean something completely different from what it meant today. There are so many words that how can you get mad at them, they make up life. Unless your mute or deaf =Even so, words are amazing.

56. What I Hate the Most About School: Drama.

Thanks for staying with me the whole way through. Follow my blog please!~

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lent 2015 Is Tomorrow 2.18.15

Last Year (First Year Deciding To Actually Do Lent) It Did Not Work Out...

I ended up eating meat on Fridays and I ended up doing whatever it was that I promised myself not to do. This year is going to be different. I really want to do this. I won't eat meat on Fridays, which is not actually a hard thing to do. Especially since I could eat a nice Caeser Salad or just some ramen. It's easy. The hard thing is that, I'm abstaining from any types of sweets and/or junk food. I don't know how I'll survive, but if I can do it, then it shows I'm strong. Wish me luck and I hope those out there who are celebrating (it seems like every year there are less and less believers out there) you can also.

Lent Begins: 2.18.15
Lent Ends: 4.2.15