
Friday, December 12, 2014

School 12.12.14

School is Great, Some Classes Are Not...

I have straight B's and one C right now and I am not happy. Well, I'm not complaining either, but I want to get into my dream school (University of Southern California) and do you think they will accept someone who started out with a 2.83 GPA in their first semester?! Either I have to get straight A's the rest of the year or something else will have to be done about this. It's not fair!!!
Biology is cool, but I could have gotten extra points and she didn't tell our class anything about only checking it on one day, which is not cool or fair!
P.E. well same same, it sucks, but I'm getting better actually and I'm really happy about that :)
Algebra is the most boring class ever, but I can handle it since I already took it in 7th grade
Native Spanish is great, I'm actually getting better with my Spanish.
English gets me mad, because no matter what you do right your grade literally goes up only 0.5 percent not even 1 but 0.5!
Health right now sucks, because we have  a project and my partners suck. I'm basically stuck with all the work now!!!

Just wanted to rant a little, in other news I will probably be making two more short stories for my blog one requested by my friend A***** and one by my other friend M*******

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Blank Space: Taylor Swift vs. Bart Baker

So there's been a lot of fuss on YouTube about these two videos:

I really do enjoy both people.

Bart Baker is a parody artist and has made other videos parodying Taylor Swift songs claiming she is Satan and so many people think Taylor Swift is just stealing his idea.

Honestly, if she were stealing his idea, it would be to tell him, she doesn't really care what he's saying about her. Who cares?! Honestly, that's a great way to express your feelings! I love how Taylor Swift does that.
In Bart Baker's video he addresses that she basically stole it, too, which is funny. To think that someone famous is bothering to look at someone on YouTube who makes fun of her.
You see from one side of the story, Bart Baker is being funny. Let's have a nice laugh, who doesn't enjoy a good parody!~ The people leaving comments on YouTube though about how she basically stole it and that her song is trash and that she's crazy, well that's totally biased, because one why are you (probably coming after watching the parody) saying stuff like that and two if you don't like her music well you can't say the song is trash, because I bet you liked the parody and someone who likes Taylor Swift could justifiably go on the parody and do the same thing and talk trash about Bart Baker. I'm sure someone has, but I didn't go down all the comments just to see all of that. Also, if you don't like her well that's definitely going to affect your comment on the video.
Really, Taylor Swift is saying that people (specifically her ex-boyfriends) think that she is crazy in the line "Got a long list of ex-lovers They'll tell you I'm insane" and so she is going about this video basically telling everyone who thinks she is crazy, "Hey, guess what you think I'm insane, I'll show you insane."

Anyways, I'll let you decide what you think. Honestly, the parody is funny to me and I love it and the song is great and I love it, too. Do I side with one or the other? No, not really, because someone decided to stir up the pot with the comment that probably started it all. (I'm going to laugh if this becomes a big thing, like honestly, this is one of the stupidest debates [yet i'm apart of it])

Original Video:

Parody Video: