
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today 11.22.14

I wasted my day at my dad's house...

I basically did nothing.
Also, I got a new couch today that looks extremely awkward in our living room.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

If you haven't noticed...

My school is very rigorous, and now we have a whole week off (lots of homework though *sigh*). I hope I have a great week, but I have this feeling in my heart that I'm not going to have such a great one. Well, everyday I'll post on my blog what's going on.
Remember to stay lovely!~

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Amazingly I Came Up With This Story, Because Of My Friend's Pain...

My friend B***** had told me a story of an injury she received during her kick-boxing class and she said that her legs hurt really bad. When she told me this, I said, "What if they have to amputate?" and then she replied by saying, "That is my worst fear, because kick-boxing is my life and without legs I couldn't do it anymore." Then my writer's mind started processing this, "What if I made a story about a girl who couldn't feel her legs?!" This is that story and I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments  or feedback and share this link. Thank you!~

She stared down at her legs and she could feel them there, but for some reason as she touched them she could not feel any sensation that her hands had been there. She wondered what was wrong with her, that maybe she was hallucinating. Maybe she was paralyzed! But no, she was not paralyzed for she could move with ease, but she could not feel herself moving. She could see her legs do the movement, but she could not feel them so to her it was basically like floating.

“Amelia, something’s wrong with me?” she told her friend as she was done walking up the stairs.
“What?” her friend asked.

“I can’t feel my legs!” she told her friend.

“Prim, that’s crazy,” her friend replied. “You must be having a pretty bad day.”

“Whatever,” Prim said, disregarding her friend’s comment. She thought Amelia would feel some sort of alarm from the fact that she wasn't able to feel her legs.

“I mean you walk with your legs, imagine I stopped walking!” Prim thought in her head. Her face contorted into a frown and Amelia noticed but paid no attention.

No one paid attention. Prim was a girl that was very strange, so people really never did try to pay attention to her anyway. You could ask anyone in the school and they’d tell you Prim was the freak with an obsession of drawing the goriest things she could think of.

So what was it that she didn’t take this situation and make it into something she could draw? In fact, it was actually in the back of her mind to make a gruesome drawing of a girl being amputated. And of course, she drew it. She drew and she drew and she drew until her class was over and when class was over her drawing was complete.

It read Prim all over it. It had the essence of all things Prim. It was Prim!

“Prim, don’t you think that maybe you’re taking your umm, illness, a bit too far,” Amelia suggested to her.

“No, not really,” Prim replied sliding the picture into the front cover of her binder. She wanted everyone to know how she was feeling at the moment.

“I think it’s a bad omen to do something like that and not expect it to really happen. I know you’re all about death and gore, but do you really think drawing out your fate is going to help you survive this strange case of paralyzation of the legs.”

“No, and since when did you start believing in bad omens,” Prim said leaving her friend alone and going to the stairwell where she could be left to her own thoughts.

“My legs are probably going to be amputated by some fabulous doctor that will find pleasure in severing them to the best of his abilities. Yes, that seems ideal.”

She walked home, still floating and then she saw it. The evil doctor she had pictured in her mind. He was almost too real that she for a second didn’t think she was hallucinating. That it could in fact, be real life!

“Are you my deadly doctor?” Prim said enthusiastically.

“I’m a doctor, yes, but I was sent for a girl who could not feel her legs,” he said.

“Oh, you’re real,” Prim said.

“Well, of course I am,” he said.

“Hmm, my legs, I can’t feel them, but I thought you were fake, because I pictured you earlier this morning. Seems I’m a bit of a clairvoyant, aren’t I?”

“Shall we go,” he said.

“I never go with strangers to strange places, but…I guess I’ll make an exception,” she said taking a fancy to her doctor. That startled her that she could find someone as strange as her. She made it a point to impress him with her peculiarities.

“What’s your name?” he asked her.

“Prim,” she said. “And yours, Mr. Doctor?”

“Well, it most definitely isn’t Mr. Doctor. I have no name. Never will either, because I find names to be one of the stupidest creations made by man. Who cares what name we are given? We are all the same person with or without a name. Names just give identity and they are soon to be accustomed to clichés. Would we really want to live in a world with clichés?”

“No, I don’t think I would like that. Everyone at school, thinks that since my name is Prim, I should be very…uptight. But I am in no way, shape, or form uptight. I might be particular about how I like something, but never uptight.”

“I understand,” he said. They’d arrived at the hospital. It was Prim’s kind of place. Abandoned just like how she felt on the inside.

They stepped inside the hospital and inside the lights flickered, the beeps of heart monitors soon stopping to make that dreadful long beep. Oh, it was everything to her to hear that noise.

“If only I had my sketchpad with me, then I could draw all the miraculous things I was visualizing in my head right now. How awful, that I did not have it with me!” she thought.

“So we’re going to amputate these darling legs of mine, are we Mr. Doctor?” she asked. 

“Well, seeming as you are fond of the idea, why not?” he said smirking.

“I’m fond of the idea, but that doesn’t mean I’m feeling…up to the task,” she said smirking back.

“No, you’re ready,” he said taking her into a room. “You’re ready for my wonderful surgical saw to cut into that skin.”

“That’s quite suggestive,” Prim thought in her head but she nearly said it out loud.

He took out the surgical saw and it seemed to glow in the flickering light of the hospital room. He cut into her legs and the pain that she experienced was unbearable. Why had she even thought of this as a wonderful experience, no it was absolutely horrible. She wanted to scream in pain, because he hadn’t even used an anesthetic on her. What kind of doctor would this?!

She’d asked for it though.

Soon, she blacked out and woke up in a bed with blankets keeping her warm and a soft pillow to keep her comfortable. It wasn’t her own room, but she felt like she had been in there before.

“Thank goodness, it was simply a dream,” she said and then the doctor came into the room. He eyes widened and she started shaking.

He said, “Are you fine? Do you feel anything?”

“No, I don’t,” she said. “Can you please go? I must do something.”

“Of course,” he said with the same smirk he had given her last night.

When he left the room, she slowly lifted her blankets and looked underneath them. What she saw, was nothing. She no longer had legs. She would never be able to walk again.

“Why, oh, why, did I wish for such a dreadful thing?!” she asked herself her voice beginning to quaver.

And as if her body had finally realized what was going on, a loud scream left her mouth and filled the whole hospital with nothing but the agony of a hopeless girl.

Poem by Jonathon Howard

This might be my blog, but that doesn't mean every form of literature I post was written by me...

I was on the Dollars website today and saw a wonderful poem about school. As in the title (but let me reiterate) , this poem is by Jonathon Howard.I give him big thanks for allowing me to post it onto my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 

There's a problem with schools, we all can admit.
It's about time we said that we're sick of the shit.
No one is taught to just do their best,
Instead all we're taught, is how to pass the next test.
They want us to be good quiet clones,
Seen and not heard, like we're all made of stone.
They want us to think we each have a voice,
but teach us so that we don't have a choice.
They teach us to be mild-mannered sheeple,
and not that we're all individual people.
Surrounded by this lack of creativity,
what suffers is not only my grades, but me.
They don't want you to lead, just follow,
they're okay with you feeling dead and all hollow.
As long as you look, and sound nice and clean,
it doesn't matter if you're just a cog in the machine.
They tell you that school is the best thing for you,
now you're stuck and alone and don't know what to do.
They taught you to be a student for life,
now in the real world, you're surrounded by strife.
It feels like you're drowning, and there's nowhere to go,
That's where I'm at, trust me, I know.
But you don't have to follow someone else to be smart,
all you need to do is follow your heart.
Our days are numbered, our existence finite,
if you follow your dreams, it'll all be alright.
So instead of teaching our kids to some test,
how about instead, we teach them what's best?
Teach them to think for themselves and not others,
and teach them to love all their sisters and brothers.
teach them dream, and to live life with heart,
and maybe you'll see that everyone is smart.
We're all good at something, so find your own passion, 
and learn that instead, don't just be old-fashioned.
This is what I believe is education,
to learn to live your own life without hesitation.
So let's reform our schools, to teach what we need,
and no longer be taught to live life for greed

100th Post

Thanks Guys for Being With Me For 100 Posts...

I don't seem very interesting (at least not in my eyes) but I'm almost at 500 views. If you are a constant reader of my blog, thank you so much. Please share my blog with others and maybe one day I'll hit it big (with my writing, lol, I want to be a singer too, but baby steps guys, baby steps.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jessicka Addams Favorited My Tweet

I know this may seem like something so minimal but...

I really love her. She's a great person, she's one of the few people that I look up to. I first learned about her from listening to Jack Off Jill and then I found out she was an artist, which by the way she is amazing!!! I tweeted this a while back simply talking about my day and what I had been listening to and practicing to and she favorited it. :) I want to meet her and I hope one day I'll get the chance to, because she seems like a really nice person. Especially since today, I was having a bad day (National Have A Bad Day Day seems to have taken it's affect on me) and so her just favoriting my tweet made me so happy inside.
Jessicka Addams is an amazing person so please check out Jack Off Jill, Scarling., Dark Dark Science, and her herself.

Here are some links if you'd like to pursue getting to know someone very different, one-of-a-kind: (This will show you a page talking about the bands break-up and it will allow you to go to either JOJ's official page or Scarling.'s official page. You make the choice!) (Jack Off Jill's official page if you just want to go here first without the pop up of the band break-up) (Scarling.'s official page)

Jack Off Jill is more hard core rock where as Scarling is more indie rock. Even though Jessicka is the lead singer for both bands it is amazing how the vibe you get from both bands is completely different. I enjoy both bands though and I love her voice, so happy exploring. :)


Jack Off Jill

Jessicka Addams

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom 2014

Today Is My Mom's Birthday!!!

It seems she had a good one. I forget how old she is, but she's looked the same age since the day I could remember how she looked like. I'm taking her wherever she wants to eat for her birthday, which fingers crossed for Olive Garden because it'll just be a treat for me since I use her money to buy the food. LOL, what kind of present is that?! Well, just so she knows that I love her, Happy Birthday mom!

Today's Conversation With Kid

Well, I was being dumb once again...

Friend: HI!!!
Him: *walks*
Me: *walks next to him* Do you need a hug?
Him: *doesn't say anything*
Me: You look like a person who needs a hug. Do you want one?
Him: No
Me: Ok, bye
Him: *looks back*
Me: *laughs like crazy when back with friends*
Friend: What happened?
Me: *explains*
Friend: Ask him about the falafels tomorrow?
Me: Oh my gosh, yes!

How Do You Get A Guy's Attention

I've been wondering for a while now...

How do you get that special someone's attention. I think I'm going about this wrong, but if I get a 16 year old boyfriend who likes me for me with all my craziness that i decide to show him every other day then I think I've done a great job. If not, then how. I don't think anyone will ever love me just for that reason that I do not approach them with a "Hey, what's up wanna do this...?" I approach more like, "Hey, what's up, you look nice! Did you know that...?" I tell them something that probably most other girls wouldn't plus I'm weird behind the scenes and in person so I think that's either a total turn-on or turn-off. I will never know!~ I want him to tell me, but also I don't because what if he tells me to get away from him (then again he doesn't seem to be getting bothered or else he would have said something, no? Guys are jerks!) I really just want to say to him, "Hey, I like you, want to be friends?" but he never engages in a real conversation with me, so it's hard to tell if he'd ever actually be my friend. Like I don't think he'd ever say, "hi" back to me and that really disappoints me. I really want to be his friend, if even I get a chance, and if I'm lucky maybe I'll be his significant other. I really do hope so. All that horoscope stuff, well I find it as a hopeful thing, but I don't really believe it. When I found out he was a Gemini though (I'm dreadfully in love with Gemini's, like second coolest sign next to Virgo[I'm a Virgo]) I was freaking out. 
I'm a romantic and I hope that one day I do find the right guy, but if not, I think I'll enjoy the single life very much.
If you could, please add a comment and help me out a bit. How should I approach this guy? He seems to smile, he even turns back when I tell him "Bye" to see me after I'm done telling him something crazy, so I don't know what to make of this. It's confusing. I'm more of a "tell me what you think of me no matter how bad it hurts" kind of girl. So not telling me is like "I NEED TO KNOW!!!"
Thanks for any advice, I appreciate it.

Monday, November 17, 2014


I made an account today...

Honestly, compared to twitter, I enjoy twitter better. I simply made the fb account for school and daily things I'll say, but that's it. It's okay and I found my friends, but they don't have the friend thingy so I don't know what to tell them.