
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Today 11.1.14

Not Such A Great Day For Me...

Other than the fact that it rained (YAY!), mostly everything sucked about today. Apparently, my uncle is trying to get me my Christmas present early so when we went to the mall today he kept asking me if I liked this or that or this or that and I kept saying "No." Him and my grandma were getting mad, because apparently, you're supposed to like pretty things. I didn't think they were pretty so why would I lie and say "Yes, please get it for me." I don't like doing that, because then out of courtesy you have to wear whatever it is this person gave you as a present. Money, is the best present for indecisive people, so just do that. Either way he knows what I like, so why does he not get that?! It just doesn't make sense. The only reason he wants to buy it from that certain place (won't be naming the store) is because he works there. I don't particularly care for that store and would much rather enjoy something from various other stores that are more fitting to my taste (i.e. Hot Topic, Spencer's, Aahs, Cotton On, Zumiez, Vans, Forever 21,) I like a lot of places, but where he works I don't care much for the clothing. Sometimes there is nice clothing, but that is very rarely, so I'd much rather go somewhere that has good clothing all the time.
Also, when they saw that they could get me perfume, they thought that that would be an okay present for me to get. I like the smell of most perfumes, but the problem with me is that I put them on for about a week and after a while I'll get lazy about it, so there is no point in buying me perfume. When we went to Macy's there was perfume there that I really liked and so my grandma took a smell and said she liked it, too. Then my uncle took a sniff and said that the perfume was for OLD people. I got so mad. I don't think age has to be a factor in everything. I think people should do what they want no matter what their age. Everyone has different standards, so there's no use in judging people. They didn't get it for me since it was "too old". I was fine though, because as I said, I'd only put it on for a week and then become lazy about putting it on. So, that was my day. Enjoy!~

Friday, October 31, 2014

No Halloween For Me

I Thought Today I'd Have The Best Time Ever But...

That wasn't the case. I just ended up staying in. *sigh* Well, anyways, here are some memes!!!

Halloween Carnival 10.30.14

Yesterday I Volunteered At A Halloween Carnival...

I had lots of fun surprisingly, but my back is killing me now. I'd do it again, but I won't do that booth again. I'll make sure to go early next time.
The funnest part was taking a picture with a girl dressed as Sofia the First. I was dressed as Harley Quinn and her grandma was like "Come in, come in". It was funny.
I got to meet my friend A*****'s brother and he was so adorable. I love that kid and wish he was our age, because then I'd surely have a huge crush on him.
I kept giving kids extra candy if they were adorable and there was a 13 year old who was dressed as Link and he was total eye "candy". Get it, candy? XD I'm not funny at all.
Well, that's all in my life. Hopefully I get to trick-or-treat. Who said being a teenager means you stop trick-or-treating?! XD Have a Happy Halloween everyone and I wish everyone a safe day.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Those That Which Are Talented: Chapter Two (Part Two of Two)

Chapter Two (Part Two of Two)

At lunch, Malerei found us and we all got our food at the same time. We sat at the same bench we were sitting at in the morning and she started talking to me.
          “Someone said during passing, the pervert had his hands down his pants and was jacking off,” Malerei said. “Or so I heard?”
“I didn't see, but he was doing something repulsive,” I said.
“You know you wanted to see, your eyes just wouldn't let you,” he said. “It’s as simple as that.”
“Lysander, I’m not like that,” I said.
“Tut, tut, Kalliope, everyone is like that,” he said. “No matter how much they think they are not like that, they simply are. Humans have a sex drive and if they don’t follow it they will wither out and die.”
You have a sex drive. A sex drive much too big for this world to handle and if it gets any bigger, I’m afraid that the universe will explode. Okay, sweetheart.”
“You called me sweetheart,” he said poking my nose only so I could stare at him and pinch his cheeks.
“Oh, are you two a thing?” Devin said coming up to us and I could almost see Malerei holding her breath like the biggest moment of her life was happening.
“No, not exactly,” Lysander and I said at the same time.
“Oh, well, I just wanted to say that you did really good in class today, and that maybe you should come by the Poetry Bar every now and then and you know recite a couple of stanzas for us. We’d enjoy it.”
“Thank you for the offer,” I said with the most genuine smile I could possibly pull out of my face, but I knew it was not genuine, because Devin just rubbed me the wrong way.
“Alright, I’ll catch you later, new girl,” he said giving me the peace sign.
“WHOA!” Malerei said. “Are you two tight?”
“No,” I said. “We just formally met right now.”
“Really?” she said. “I should have made my move.”
“The best way to go about that is by showing him your endowments,” Lysander said.
“Don’t listen to him, the best way to go about that is to act like yourself,” I said.
“Hmm, well, if you’re going by her example, then it works, if you’re going by a whore’s example I’m not sure how that will play out for you.”
“Umm, yeah,” Malerei said staring at the two of us like were completely crazy.
“Should we kiss yet?” Lysander asked caressing my back as though it would stimulate me.
“No,” I said. “My lips don’t feel like it at this moment.”
“So when will your lips feel like it,” he said.
“Let me see,” I said taking out an imaginary agenda. “That date is set for 2000 and never.”
“2000 and never it is, see you then babe,” he said.
“Babe?” I said. “Don’t call me that one.”
“Hmm, a girl who’s open about what her man should call her, Lysander enjoys!” he said.
“Lysander is quite the character isn't he?” Malerei said. “I’m sure every child will want their daily dose of Lysander when he becomes famous.”
“I’m already famous,” Lysander said.
“For what?” I said.
“I have a web show, but mainly because I perform all the time in front of big audiences and small audiences and everything in between. You know, it’s very fun, so I like to let the fans know who I really am. It’s just a way to connect with people. You should star on it, so everyone can know about this girl I was talking about on yesterday’s show.”
“You’re a freak,” I said.
“In bed,” he said.
I sighed and smiled at Malerei. “Gotta love this kid, right?”
“Ha, you and only you!” she said laughing.


After lunch, Dylan and I began walking into Building A. Our next class was songwriting.
“I think Malerei had a fun time with us, don’t you?” I said.
“Well, of course she did, we’re a very inviting duo, are we not?” he said.
“I like how you referred to us as a duo instead of as a couple. Hmm, we could be the Dastardly Duo,” I said.
“No, people will call us the Bastardly Duo,” he said.
“Hmm, then I've got nothing, but wait, I’ll come up with something for our couple name,” I said.
“Alright,” he said. “I’m counting on you my lovely counterpart.”
“I won’t let you down, my titillated complement,” I replied.
He chuckled and after a long pause he said, “You said tit.”
“For your information, it’s another synonym for horny, like you!”
“You said horny!” he said laughing. “No more, Kalliope, or I’ll die of lack of breath.”
“You’re not even laughing that hard stupid,” I said.
“MMM. . .” he said and then he started laughing for no reason at all.
The lady finally let us in and of course Lysander and I sat next to each other, it was the only thing we ever did in our classes since we had all of them together.
“Okay, class, say hello to our new student,” she said.
A few kids muttered their hellos and that was that. “So, your newest assignment is to write me. . .a love song.”
“What kind of love song?” someone stupid asked.
“Any type, I don’t care if heartbreak or happiness,” she said. “Just anything that has to do with love. Got it?”
“So, can we just go now,” some kid said.
“No, let’s just watch a documentary,” she said.
“Ms. Green, makes us watch documentaries every time, because we always get homework in this class, and we can’t exactly leave since she thinks it’s weird to let us out early. We never even watch cool documentaries either. It might be on cool people, but it’s never really cool.”
“I get it,” I said. “So do you usually song write?”
“Why do you ask?” he said.
“Because you said you perform in front of people, so is it your own songs or just covers?” I asked.
“A combination of both, but no I don’t write a lot of songs. I can write songs, but I trash them thinking they aren't beautiful.”
“Oh, I’m sure they’re beautiful,” I said. “You should never throw away anything that you made. It’s a part of you for always.”
“I suppose your right. I never throw them away, but it was never for that reason,” he said. “Now I have a reason for not throwing them away. Thanks.”
          “Just trying to help,” I said.


“You really should guest star on my show dear,” he said.
“Well, maybe one day, but I need to get more adjusted to school first,” I said.
“And maybe then we can kiss?!” he said.
“No,” I said.
“But by then you’d be well-adjusted to me, no? If you’re well-adjusted to me, then you’ll want to kiss me, right?” he asked.
“No, not right,” I said.
He sighed and closed his eyes, which looked funny because he was wearing his normal clothes and said, “Well, you seem like you've done this before. Have you had someone else before me?”
“You act as though that really matters,” I said.
“So you have?” he said hugging me tightly as if my past would somehow go away and everything from before was nonexistent.
“No,” I said and then he let go and then he hugged me tightly again with a smile on his face.
“Don’t break her,” our singing teacher said. “Or else she won’t be able to see you perform in Friday night’s showcase.”
“Tut, tut, Mr. Miller, I could never break her. She may be a doll, but she’s not all that fragile,” Lysander said.
“Still, you should always be gentle,” our teacher (I still refuse to call him Mr. Miller) replied.
“He aggravates me, Kalliope,” Lysander said as he began walking with me to places unknown.
“Oh, really,” I said. “I understand, but he seems so nice.”
“He really is nice to everyone else, but as I said, we are connected and for that reason we cannot be nice to each other,” Lysander explained.
“I get it,” I said and we sat there for a few moments in silence, but it was not awkward silence. It was sweet, loving silence.
“You know, Kalliope, I love how I can be with you and never bore of you. I get bored of many things very quickly after liking them, but you, I could sit with you in utter silence and never bore of you.”
“That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever told me,” I said hugging his arm.
He blushed and covered his face away from me and then we sat in silence again. After a while, we both just sat there reading books as though it were completely normal. We listened to the sound of the water fountain that we were sitting in front of and looked at each other every so often. It was quite a nice moment.
“I find it amazing, that I’m so close to you after only two days,” he said. “So, as Mr. Miller said, would you like to go see me at my showcase?”
“Hmm,” I said. “I’ll see if I can make it, but I make no promises.”
“Alright,” he said and I was surprised he didn't openly express that his heart felt broken by my response, but it was clearly written on his face and I felt bad for a moment, but then that feeling went away. I was never one to become very intimate with someone, not even my longtime friends I am very intimate with. It takes me a long time to escape from my shell.
“Kalliope, you should try out for the next showcase, maybe, so that I can see you live in action. I missed you the first time, but Mr. Miller said you were absolutely remarkable,” Lysander said with a warm expression on his face.
“It sounds like fun, I want to participate in as many shows as I can in my two years here,” I said.
“That’s a good goal, I’ve managed to be in every show since the year of my attendance, so I think you can do the same. Of course, not year of attendance, but following up from your date of enrollment.”
“That sounds lovely,” I said getting up from my seat. “I had a nice time with you today, perhaps we can do this again.”
“Perhaps,” he said getting up and then lightly he took my hand and twirled me around and I thought he would drop me, because he dipped me very fast, but he put his hand on my waist so that I wouldn't fall and then he put his face incredibly close to mine, but I didn't mind at that moment. I felt nice just being with him. Then he brought me back close to his chest and held me there.
“You’re cold, you know that,” he said.
“I’m not sure if you mean temperature wise or the way I treat you,” I said.
“I’m not sure myself either,” he said.


I went into my bedroom swooning over what had just happened between me and Lysander. I could not, would not stop replaying that moment in my head. Him dipping me, him putting me into him, it was perfect. There would never be another moment like that again. The planets were aligned, the world stopped, perfection was reached. . .But never again would that happen.
“You look happy,” Teagan said.
“Uh, yeah, something great just happened to me,” I said.
“Oh, huh, second day and good things are already happening for you. I’m glad, did you check out Building D’s Hall of Fame?” she asked.
“I was in Building D, but it didn’t occur to me to look in the Hall of Fame. I apologize,” I said.
“It’s fine. It’s fine,” she said going through her bag until she’d finally taken out a pencil. “Any questions about school life so far?”
“I’m singing talent, so how do I sign up for showcases?” I asked.
“Oh, singing talent, I was expecting you to be more of an actor. Ms. Morgan wouldn't stop talking about you this morning in our class. I was a bit freaked out,” she said.
“She actually said my name and everything?” I asked. How freaky could this lady be?!
“Yeah, you’re name and why you annoyed her and that you beat her, which by the way, kudos to that. Someone needs to put her in her place,” Teagan said delighted.
“I wasn't trying to prove anything,” I said laughing.
“Well, you’re going to be accused of it,” she said. “Ms. Morgan doesn’t take things like that very lightly as you can see.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” I said.
There was a knock on the door and I went up to get it. It was Seymour at the door and when he saw me, he gasped.
“I’m not really all that scary?” I said.
“Who is it?” she asked.
“Umm, Seymour,” I said.
She got up quickly from her bed and went to the door. “Whoa, what’d you do to him? Did you break him??”
“No, he’s just scared of me,” I said.
“Umm, Teagan can we talk?” Seymour said.
“It’s may we talk and of course we can talk,” she said. “Well, bye Kalliope.”

“Bye,” I said closing the door and sitting down in the wheeled chair that was located on our shared desk. I went around in many circles until my mind was free of Seymour and was back to thinking of Lysander and his charming gestures towards me. That’s all I needed to think of at this moment.

Those That Which Are Talented: Chapter Two (Part One of Two)

Chapter Two (Part One of Two)

I woke up really early the next day, but Teagan was already awake in her brooding corner, doing whatever it was she did by herself. She had said she was featured in the Hall of Fame located in Building D, so she must have been something important in the school. I don’t think complete nobody’s were put in the Hall of Fame.
          “Ah, so I see you’re awake now,” she said.
          “Yeah, how long have you been awake?” I asked.
          “Oh, me, you fell out cold last night, I've been awake since then. I've got a big paper due tomorrow and I thought I’d have enough time to complete it, but it’s seeming like that isn't the case.”
          “Well, good luck,” I said. “What time is it?”
          “Oh, it’s six, you have two hours left to get ready, don’t sweat it,” she said.
          “Okay,” I said walking down to the bathroom. There were a lot of girls down there and I really didn't like it. I felt very uncomfortable surrounded by them, because some of them didn't even have their clothes on they were just walking around in there. I know we all have the same anatomical structures, but I really don’t want to see that. It bothers me very much.
          I took a shower and the water came out cold, which was fine by me, because it was in my best interests to get out of there fast. I put on my robe and went into the changing room.
I put on a collared white shirt with a black jumper skirt, because it reminded me of Lysander's style and I thought he’d like it. It wasn't love though, it was merely an infatuation. I've always thought love was dumb, so it’s never love for me, it is always infatuation.
I walked past the dorms to the benches in front of Building A, where Devin was surrounded by a multitude of girls. I had no idea what they saw in him. He wasn't interesting, not one bit. Sure, he had different colored hair, but that didn't make him interesting. There are tons of people with wacky hair that it really shouldn't faze them.
I sat alone at a bench far away from them and took out a book to read. I started to read, but was soon interrupted by someone, and if I hadn't looked up from my book to see it was Malerei, I would have surely yelled. Lucky, for me I looked.
“Good morning,” I said.
“Hey,” she said. “Trying to talk to Devin is so hard. I mean he’s always surrounded by girls. I really need to catch him when he’s alone, so we can have a decent conversation.”
“Not to be mean or anything, but he’s not really that great of a person,” I said. “At least that’s just my opinion.”
“Oh, he’s really nice. You just haven’t witnessed him in action. His poetry is so beautiful, it will surely affect you,” she said.
“Umm, sure,” I said changing the subject, “So I was meaning to ask you, but would you like to eat lunch with me?”
“Well, yeah, but will Lysander be there?” she asked me.
“Well, what’s wrong with Lysander?” I asked her.
“Nothing, but I mean, I don’t think he’d want to hang out with me,” she said. “He doesn't really like anyone else at school, so it surprised everyone when they saw you hanging out with him.”
“I don’t see why,” I said pushing my hair out of my face. “Well, anyways, he’ll be fine with it, because I invited you.”
“Do you really think after meeting him, that in one day he’d listen to your every command?” she asked laughing.
I was about to answer when Lysander popped up behind her and said, “Well, I do believe she has affected me more than anyone else in this school has or ever will, Ms. Mont. Don’t you agree?”
“Didn't think anyone could affect you like that,” Malerei joked.
“Neither did I, then she came along,” he said.
“Heh, that’s cute. Are you hearing this guy?” Malerei said.
“Yeah, I hear him. It’s funny,” I said with a smile.
“See, she said I was funny,” he said looking down at my face and tilting it towards him.
“You just woke up and you’re already trying to kiss her,” Malerei said.
“Well, last night my hand had a nice work out, but don’t tell anyone,” Lysander said to her, but it was more like he was directing it at me.
“Eww, that could be the hand he was jacking off with,” Malerei said.
“There is such a thing as washing your hands, Ms. Mont, you should try it some time,” Lysander said and she simply walked away frazzled by what he had just said.
“Are you trying to scare my friends off?” I said laughing.
“I don’t know, are you trying to give me, how shall I say, high notes every morning,” he said laughing.
“Well, knowing you, I can only assume I know what high notes are,” I said tapping my cheek in thought.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
“No,” I said.
“Please,” he pleaded.
“No,” I repeated.
“Okay,” he said.
“Okay,” I said.
“So when am I allowed to kiss you?” he asked.
“I’m not sure yet, we don’t know each other like that yet,” I told him, because it was true. We didn't know each other like that yet, so I couldn't exactly let him kiss me, not even on the cheek.
“I can’t wait for the day that we know each other like that,” he said grabbing my hands and directing me towards our first class of the day.

Our first class was photography and the teacher smiled at me and I smiled back and that was that. He already seemed like a nice guy, so I think I would like being in his class.
“Okay, class, we have a new student if you all didn't notice, so I think we’ll do something easy so that she can get well adjusted to the class,” he said. “Anyone have ideas.”
This kid in front of me who’s brown hair was the only thing I could see raised his hand. “Yes, Seymour?”
“We could take pictures of pictures!” he said.
“Alright, we’ll do that. Creative as ever,” the teacher said.
“Thanks, Mr. Tate,” Seymour said.
“Please, class, get the cameras and take a picture of any painting or photo you see in the hallways of any of our buildings. I’ll let you explore,” the teacher said leaving.
“You’re such a fag, Seymour. All your ideas are always so gay,” one guy said.
“Yeah, can’t you stop kissing ass to Mr. Tate,” another guy said. They shoved and pushed him around and I couldn't help but notice so when I got my camera, I turned around and went to them.
“Could you shut up? What’d he ever do to you?” I said.
“Stupid new girl,” one of them muttered.
“I’m smarter than you’ll ever be in your entire lifetime,” I said.
“Hey, fag, you’re lucky this girl is annoying, because we’d keep bothering you if she wasn't.” They shoved me too and I rolled my eyes with complete disgust.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked the kid and the kid, whose glasses and freckly face I could see now, was trembling.
“Yeah, and you didn't have to do that for me. In fact, don’t ever do that for me again. I’m okay, I’m fine. Just never do that again. Alright?”
“But—”I said.
“Never!” he quietly pleaded in a yell whisper. He scurried past me and out the door as he let the door shut.
“Well, now that we’re alone, shall we kiss?” Lysander offered. “That should get your minds off things. You know kissing is probably one of the best stress relievers known to man.”
“Oh, just shut up, Lysander,” I said as I turned around and kissed him—no way was I letting him kiss me—on the cheek. “Got your kiss, happy?”
“I think I just hit another good note,” he said blushing and then he just kept staring happily at me. “So what you did just now, was really cool of you, you know that?”
“Huh, well, I was just trying to do the right thing,” I said.
“Yeah, I know and Seymour knows, too. He’s probably the most bullied kid in the school, so he isn't used to people trying to help him out. He’s a good kid though and I don’t see why people are so mean to him.”
“It’s because they want someone to take out all their feelings on,” I said. “It’s not cool though.”
“I could listen to you all day. Honestly, everything you say is very intellectual. I wish I were like that,” he said.
“Umm, thanks,” I said smiling and putting my hair behind my ear.
He went up to a picture with a young man and woman sitting beside an old time camera and took a picture. “I think Mr. Tate will enjoy this picture. These are the original founders of Building E. The camera in between them is one of the first cameras ever. It’s named the Camera Obscura. I think they’re absolutely charming, don’t you? I asked my papa for one, but he told me that it was just junk.” The way he pronounced papa like “puh-pa” was absolutely funny to me. I held my laughter in and just nodded my head.
“Yeah, it looks really cool and it totally fits your image.”
“What image?”
“Well, you look like you belong in the Victorian Era,” I said. “You’re clothes you know.”
“Says the one wearing something much similar to what I put on my porcelain dolls,” he said.
“You have porcelain dolls?” I asked him.
“Yes, I do,” he said. “But none of them are as pretty as you. You are my real life porcelain doll, yes?”
“Sure, whatever,” I said.
“The best thing about you though, is that you can walk and talk and no doll of mine could ever do that,” he said. “Really, you’d look so pretty in a petticoat skirt, I must get you one as of this instant.”
“Aren’t those expensive?” I said.
“Nothing is too expensive for a doll of the earth,” he said. “I’ll get you one and you must wear it.”
“Alright,” I said smiling at him and he hugged me as we walked down the hall to find me a picture as well.
I found a picture of a dreary street with a soul person standing underneath a dimly lit street lamp. It intrigued me and so I had to take a picture of it.
“Very nice, Kalliope,” he said. “I always knew you had a bit of murder in your personality. I think if we shared a kiss right here the picture would come out even more delightful don’t you think?”
“Have you never had a significant other before?” I asked him and his closed eyes popped wide open and he let out a grin.
“I can charm, but no girl wants a charmer unless it be the type of charmer who likes to have every woman he meets. I, on the other hand, charm but in the way that I make fun of the woman and they hate that even more. Don’t you feel degraded every time I ask you for a kiss like as if I were trying to treat you as not a human being, but an object that gives their lips to a man.”
“No, because I don’t have that mind frame and never will have that mind frame when it comes to you. You are just a pervert and a very clever one I must admit, but it must turn you on to think you’re in charge of someone else, right? So that’s all it is, you want power. You want to feel powerful and you want to degrade others purposefully, no?”
“You read me like an open book,” he said. “So shall we kiss?”
“No, sorry, I don’t kiss every open book,” I said. He honestly put my body very tightly beside his as though somehow putting me upon him in that manner was going to make me like him more, but I think it was more so for his own personal reasons…
When we got back into the classroom, it was still empty but Lysander showed me the procedure on how to send the edited picture to Mr. Tate. Once I was done editing the picture to look how I wanted it to, I sent it to Mr. Tate.
“You’re a quick learner, that’s a good asset in a lover,” Lysander said. I stared at him and pinched his cheeks.
“You’re funny, you know that,” I said.


“See, it doesn't seem to disturb you. I like that,” he said and then we left to our next class, unfortunately, he was hugging me the whole way with his other hand shoved down his pants and I would not look lest he was doing something absolutely vulgar in front of everyone we passed.
“Look, Kalliope, look,” he said trying to encourage me to look at it.
“I’ll look the day you chop it off,” I said.
He then took his hand out of his pants and stopped. He was like a dog that you had to train. If he wasn't trained properly then he would never learn when to stop, of course, he wasn't a normal dog though, he didn't seem to care and so the training was even more difficult than it was with normal dogs.
“I can’t believe you said something so horrible to me. My life is nothing without my apparatus. Your life will be nothing without my apparatus,” he said.
“To tell you the truth, I never needed your apparatus in the first place. Also, I will never be as libidinous as you are.”
“Oh, I like that word, I must write it down in a notebook,” he said. “Kalliope, I am of a degenerate society and if you can’t handle that part of me than how will we ever be?”
“I can handle that part of you and you already made it a point of making us significant others by just walking around doing things you should not while having me upon your shoulder so yeah.”
“You’re completely right,” he said and then stopping me in front of the classroom he twirled me around.
“That was random.”
“Could you turn around again, but stop halfway?” he asked me.
“No,” I said.
“But why not? I’m not doing anything bad,” he said.
“Well, when I turn around you will do something bad,” I said.
“I promise I won’t and if I do—” he started but I cut him off.
“I can cut your apparatus off,” I said.
“No, anything but my apparatus. I need that to pump my love into you,” he said.
“You’d have better luck with pumping your love into your own mouth than trying to pump it into me,” I said and I think that must have turned him on, because he started getting really red and then he covered his face.
“Mr. Keen, what seems to be the problem?” the teacher asked him.
“Mr. Wright, my nose is bleeding,” he said tilting his head backwards and all the girls started screaming like stupid people.
“Calm down, calm down. Here is a pass to the nurse’s office,” he said.
“No, no, can I just go wash it off or something,” Lysander said.
“Sure,” he said. “Anything else you need?”
Then Lysander pointed at me.
“You need her,” the teacher said.
“Yes, because I’m showing her around school, so this is the perfect opportunity to show her where the bathrooms are located,” he said.
“. . .Well. . .Okay but she better be back, because she needs to share with us a poem seeing as it’s her first day here.”
“Okay,” Lysander said dragging me into the boys’ bathroom which was surprisingly pristine and didn't even smell of urine one bit.
“Now that we’re alone honey, be mine,” he said.
“No,” I said and as he washed his face I sat down on the couch that was in there. Seriously, a couch in the boys’ bathroom why was that even in there? I looked at his butt, which was basically non-existent, but extremely cute.
“Your butt is cute,” I said poking it and he immediately touched it and turned around looking at me with his fresh face.
“You've tainted my backside,” he said and I poked it again and he grinned.
“Well, now that you've touched mine, I have no choice but to fondle yours right? Measure for measure, no?”
“No,” I said. “See I’m allowed to, because I own you.”
“You don’t own me,” he said.
“Oh, really well then why don’t you take a seat?” I commanded him and of course he sat down immediately after I told him, too.
“See, I own you,” I said running my fingers through his hair.
“You’re extremely sexy when you’re the dominant one, did you know that?” he asked me.
“No, because I don’t think of myself as sexy so please stop referring to me as sexy as I do not enjoy it as much as you would think a girl would enjoy it,” I said.
“Of course, darling, but one last request,” he said.
“What a kiss?” I said. “That’s getting old, you’re going to have to raise up your game.”
“Hmm, then. . .shall we brush our lips against each other,” he said.
“That actually sounds very heartwarming, but no,” I said.
“Wait,” he said. “My shirt has blood on it, I don’t want to look like I've massacred everyone.”
“Trust me, you don’t look like you've massacred anyone,” I said. He literally only had a few spots of blood on his shirt. He simply wanted to take off his shirt in front of me.
He started unbuttoning his shirt and then he looked at me and said, “Does this make you tingle?”
“No,” I said bluntly. “You’re going to have to do way more than that to make me tingle.” I rolled my eyes and then I heard the sound of him unzip his pants.
“Whoa, dude, don’t do that! Are you crazy?” I said only to see he was unzipping his bag.
“Ah, but I’m the pervert,” he said. I blushed of embarrassment and beckoned him to carry on with my hand gesture.
He put on a different shirt, it was a T-shirt, which was so very unlike him, but then again maybe it was like him and I’m just assuming he’s all frills and no fun.
“A T-shirt?” I said.
“What I can’t wear a T-shirt?” he said smiling at me as he put it on. He was scrawny, but his body sparkled and not in a vampire way, but in a different sort of illuminating way.
“No, that’s not it, it’s just you don’t seem one to wear T-shirts,” I said.
“Baby, I love fashion of all sorts,” he said tilting my head upwards. “Or maybe you don’t understand that about me just yet.”
“I want to understand a lot of things about you,” I said looking up at him.
“I want to understand a lot of things about you also, maybe we should start right now,” he said putting out both his hands in a manner that said he wanted to grope me and I took his hands in mine and dug my nails into his hand. He obviously was pained, but he didn’t tell me to stop, he just had a painful smile on his face.
“You are such a nice kid, definitely not a lecher at all,” I said.
“Oh, sweetie, my hands just wanted to say hi to your lovely endowments,” he said.
I let go of his hands and flicked his forehead. “You are the strangest man I have ever encountered.”
“I take that as a compliment,” he said.
“I’m sure you do, Mr. Lolita Complex,” I said reading his shirt. “What are you Humbert?”
“Yes and you’re my Lolita,” he said.
“No, because we’re the exact same age. That could never work. People are going to take your shirt the wrong way,” I said.
“I suppose they could take it out of context,” he said taking out another shirt and putting that one on instead.
“So now you’re Mr. I Love Lolitas,” I said.
“Yes, now then people will know I just love them,” he said.
“I’m not Lolita,” I said.
“Yes, but you’re just as pretty as any of my porcelain dolls, so I can quickly establish you as any Lolita I wish. Like even if you’re not wearing Lolita clothing, I’ll just say you’re a modernized Lolita. Catch my drift.”
“So you just love me for my looks,” I said.
“No, I don’t like anyone for their looks. Peoples’ faces could just rot off and die for all I care.”
“Then my body.”
“No, the body is a strange thing for which clothes are meant to be put on top of and a decaying body is just another body on which I must put clothes upon.”
“So then my personality.”
“No, personalities can be shitty. Yours isn't.”
“Then what?”
“I don’t know, you intrigue me and that’s all that matters.”
“I enthrall you.”
“Yes, me and my apparatus.”
“Shut up!” I said shoving him as we left the bathroom and he took me back to class.
“What were you guys doing for twenty minutes?” the teacher asked us.
“We weren't doing anything,” I said as I placed myself in the middle row again.
“Yes, she won’t let me do anything,” Lysander said sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me, while crossing his legs.
“Nice, nice, now you have to come up and give us a poem,” he said.
“Any type of poem?” I said.
“Yes, yes, I won’t go hard on you today, but you should know that I will go hard on you every other day,” he said.
“Alright, I’ll come up with one in my mind,” I said going center stage and I could see Devin staring astonished. I was guessing because it was his thing to come up with poems on the spot, but it didn't matter to me.
I began to think of my poem and let everything in my mind unleash:
“Little by little everything goes away
Only the sadness and pain want to stay
Vertical lines in a horizontal world
Enough of the suffering in this cold, dark hole
Lonesome me, not ever a doubt
You’ll see one day and you’ll want to get out”

Lysander began clapping for me and soon the rest of the class began to clap even Devin, who shook his head pleased by my poem.
“You were wonderful, darling,” Lysander said as he patted my head. I smiled at him and listened to the rest of today’s seminar contently.


Officially Over Him

My Biggest Goal In Life At The Moment Was To Tell That Kid That I Didn't Like Him Anymore...


I DID!!!

On my way to English, I went up the stairs and M******* was like, "Look who's there." I looked up and it was him, so as we kept walking I waved at him and then I was like, wait this is the perfect opportunity. I can't miss my chance!

"Oh, wait, by the way, I'm officially over you!" I said to him. He just looked at me and then he said. "Umm, okay."

It was kind of a stupid outcome, but I figured it wouldn't end any better without a little bit of that Lovely Pizzazz.

I think we can be good friends though even though we're not very close. Still, friendships start that way and so every time I see him, I'll wave at him, because I still think he's a cool kid and I'd like to get to know him. You can't just fail on becoming friends with someone. That's horrible.

Well, just a little bit of info on the daily life of: Lovely Fortune!~