
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Male Privilege Rebuttal

Check Your Fucking Privilege!!!

If you've got a dick and identify as a man, well then, you better realize you are a horrible person who has a privilege and the fact that you don't realize the privilege makes you even more hated.

Now, I could write a whole list of how females have privileges or how guys don't have this perfect life because of some stupid privilege, but instead you can listen to me talking about it for say an hour and a half? Each segment will be about 30 minutes (except the last one) so you don't have to listen to everything I say, especially if you get pissed off after a while and I'm sure some of you will. If you speak another language, I'm so sorry. Let my voice sooth you? I don't think my voice is very soothing, but for some reason I really like listening to people talk. That's why radio shows are so good. You don't have to pay so much attention to them, you just let their voices enter your subconscious. Do that with this. It'll be cool. I'm going to be doing these types of things as often as I can. It takes a lot of time for me to do all of this.

((Note I recorded this on 11/19/15))

Enjoy and leave comments below on something you think I said was right or wrong or whatever your take on a certain point may be. I may make some faulty points and I might make some good points. It's up to you to determine whether you think my opinion is valid or not. Just remember to keep an open mind. =)

You can find this male privilege checklist here: Follow along with it if you wish or do a quick read through before you watch the video. Whatever you want.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4