
Thursday, March 31, 2016

How Privileged Am I According to Buzzfeed?

Well, How Privileged Could I Be?

I had seen a few YouTubers doing some videos on this:

After watching these I felt compelled to do my own to see how privileged I was because I don't really believe in all this crap. What exactly makes you privileged? Who deems what makes me more privileged than you and vice versa? I mean it would seem that there'd be a shitload of factors right??? Well, no, not really. It all boils down to skin color, religious orientation, gender (and being comfortable with the gender your were born as), disabilities, and class status (although this would be on the lower end of the spectrum I'd say). 

Here's a video explaining how privilege is stacked:

Alright, so now that I'm done with the shitty intro and whatnot, here's my video. I was expecting to be funnier (except I'm not funny), but it took more of a serious tone. If you like hearing people talk to themselves, this is a great video. I'm sorry about the audio. My computer is shit. Ugh, enjoy.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I Finished Lent

I Know It Ended Last Week But...

I didn't finish recording all of the videos. Anyways, I'm back online. Lent was a great experience that taught me a lot. I'm going to start doing more YouTube videos and I'll try my best with the blogposts. More activity will probably come out of me in the summer rather than now as the AP Test and SAT subject tests approach. Either way, I want to keep you guys satisfied, so wait and see I'll have great content coming soon.

Here's all of the videos I did over the 40 days in order. Enjoy and please subscribe!!!
