
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Crush 1.7.15

I'm Pretty Sure He Thinks I Do Not Like Him Anymore...

Is this a good thing or no? He looks at me more (or so my imagination would like to think), but he never passes through that corridor anymore. I really want to talk to him, but I don't know how I can do that. I want to talk to him through social media to make things easier, the tension will probably go away. Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe if he goes to our winter formal dance, I will get some answers, like if he asks me to dance??? Boys are such confusing creatures.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some Little Facts About Me

I found this picture online...

And I thought it would be cool if I used it for my blog. I want the regular, constant readers to get a little piece of me and for other readers who just happen to see this and to future readers who read this when I am making a name for myself in the world. Thanks for reading, here's a little piece of me. Hope you enjoy. I'll reiterate the list again down there, I don't think it would be cool for you to keep scrolling up and down.

1. Name(Assumed Name): Lovely Fortune
2. Height: 5'4" (64 inches or if you're not from America 162.5cm)
3. Weight: 114lbs (or 51.7 kg)
4. Age: 14 as of this post *laughs*
5. Birthday: All you need to know is that August is my birthmonth

6. Girl BFF: My best friend is a wonderful, funny girl who shares similar and dissimilar interests (awesome though) with me.

7.Boy BFF: Well I thought he was a really great friend, but I don't think so anymore. He's conceited and acts like he's cooler than us and that he's soooo popular. *no pic*

8. Crush: Haha, well I've made so many blog posts about him how could my regular readers not know who he is. Well, I call him Momo now (I've rotated a lot of nicknames around him, so I know Momo is not going to stick especially after seeing the definition on urban dictionary, not that others weren't good, but most were negative. ;-;) Here are two of the good definitions I found, haha.
Here is a picture of him, well, avatar I made.

9. Ever Fell In Love: Well I think it's my "crush". I technically don't classify my crush as my crush, because the term crush is not appealing to me and does not make sense to why I like him. It is more of an infatuation, I am quite sad to say but it is the truth. He is so interesting, but I don't know if I've fallen in love with him. Maybe, maybe not? It's just a matter of how you perceive the amount of time it takes to fall in love.

10.Favorite Food: Ramen!!! 

11. Last text: Something you don't have

12. Longest Relationship: I've never been in a relationship.

13. Battery Percentage: 69%

14. Eye Color: Brown but a lot of people tell me it looks black

15. Addiction: Music

16. Favorite Song: I don't have one. If you have a favorite song, you must have your life together! I don't even have a favorite band!!!
17. Favorite Animal: The narwhal!!!~ 

18. Favorite Song (so they reiterated so I decided why not change it to favorite color) Favorite Color: Black

19. Sing in the shower: ALL THE TIME!!!

20. One wish: To become a great singer.
21. Best Time in your Life I think that will come later on but as for right now, the best time in my life was the day I did my first Talent Show, I finally realized I wanted to be a singer.

22. Country You Live In: America

23. Pets: None

24. Plan on Getting Married: Maybe, it seems like things go downhill after being married. I'd like to have a reception and the dress and ring, but who cares about standing at the alter. Just as long as we know we'll be faithful to each other I'm fine.

25. Favorite Subject: I love school, but I guess I'd choose math!

26. First Kiss: No first kiss, probably won't get one either.

27. Insecure: Yeah, but not as much as I used to be.
28. Ever Self Harmed: No and I would never. To everyone who has, please, be strong. You can overcome your problems and I pray for you.

29. Who you love: Well, this is not very specific, but love is such a strong word, I tell everyone I love them so does that mean I love everyone. Well, no, I don't enjoy a lot of people either and my love to people doesn't mean love it means hey, you're cool, we're friends, right?. I love you doesn't mean affection it means we're my opinion.
30. Miss anyone: My friends who went to a different high school.

31. Hair Color: Black

32. Relationship Status: Single

33. Last Song You Heard: "Rat Race" by Brody Dalle

34. Biggest Fear: Dying

35. Believe in ghosts: No

36. Something you Hate: Posers, Conformists, Hypocrites, I guess people who aren't real???

37. Favorite TV Show: South Park
38. Favorite Movie: Metropolis
39. Favorite Book: "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger and no, I am not just some brooding teen that agrees with everything Holden Caulfield says and that's why it's my favorite book. No, I actually read it because South Park was like, this book is about a whiny teen, it is, but it shares all the viewpoints I have. People are fake. It's a horrible thing, but even the last sentence in the book, very moving actually.
40. Favorite Food (they reiterated another one, well let's change this to favorite snack) Favorite Snack: Red Vines

41. Jealous Of: can't say, can't say *laughs*
42. Star Sign: Virgo
43. Middle Name: Lovely Fortune does not assume a middle name, I have a middle name that starts with a B.

44. Worst Habit: Telling myself I will do homework and then not doing it.

45. Number of Siblings: 1 half brother
46. Name of Siblings: Name starts with E

47. Sports you Play: Tennis, (I used to and would like to again) and Running

48. Best Friend Ever: Mentioned above, the girl in #6

49. Embarrassing Moment: I think I've had a bunch of these. My most recent one is when my Biology teacher told me "hello" and I said "Thank you." It was so awkward, what was I thanking her for? Acknowledging me?!

50. Future Career Choice: Singer!!!

I would love to do this again, it was really fun! Once again you can send me questions to my personal e-mail here 

Monday, January 5, 2015

"Flying is Hard" by M-Steiner

Another Wonderful Poem...

I was on the dollar's website today and once again I've found another wonderful poem. I think it is something that we should all think about when we look at life. Thanks again to M-Steiner ^o^

Walking down a clear path
I saw a bird in pain
It was alone
I crouched down beside it
and I sensed it felt disdain 

Why can't you fly
Birds are known for that
It's how most of them get by
In my mind I could hear the bird say
Today I looked at the world
and asked why am I here
I laughed at that thought
You're a silly bird I said
It's better to be alive than dead
I heard the bird ask me "why"

That impossible question lingered with me
The bird asked if we were meant to be
Existing isn't living 
Living is existing 
That question couldn't be answered with complete totality
about if our lives should be a reality
Happiness drives me
What about those without
What's their need to be

A coin called life has two sides
the good and the bad
It's flipped more than once
so it's not dictated by the sad

I went back the bird
on my mind had been only one word
I fixed the bird up
its wing had been straightened
and feathers unruffled
As the bird began to fly
There was a sound
Very muffled
I thought I heard a word
That the bird said 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cousins From Mexico

So Some Cousins From Mexico Came For Two Weeks...

I did not really like them at first and I really didn't want to bother with them for two whole weeks. That was basically my whole winter break. It wasn't great either, because a lot of problems arose from us spending Christmas and New Year's with them. Trust me, I didn't want to either. I was getting so overwhelmed in there. I wanted to go soooo badly.
Well, they're gone now, do I miss them? No. They were great on the last day. Yup, the last day of all days they decide to talk to me. That's when it sucks, now you want to be with them, but no, I did not really care. I was indifferent to the situation. I actually wished for school backs so I wouldn't have to be so overwhelmed by staying over there and making idle conversation or having to hear idle conversation.
Well, they're gone now, so whatevs.