
Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Money Man

The other day I had a dream about someone who gave money to everyone and the day he needed it no one would give him any. This is a story inspired by that dream. Enjoy!~


Money is a big thing in the world. It will and always will be, because money 
makes the world go round. Nothing is as influential as money will ever be. A single dollar bill can be the difference between life and death that is how serious money is. Many of us have no idea what kind of hold it has on us. Those of us who are born into money look at money as something that will always be there and see no need to care how you spend it. Those of us who are not as fortunate try to save every penny we can.

Then there are those of us, who are like me. I love to give out money. To everyone, even those who have no substantial need for it at all. You could be living a luxurious life without a care and if you’d ask me for a hundred dollars I would gladly give it to you.

That is probably a problem and I’m sure many of my friends—can I even call them friends—took advantage of me for the same reason. That’s why I don’t care anymore. I don’t care at all about what I do with my money. I never had any goals in the first place and I don’t have anyone to support so why not support them all, why not go where the wind takes me and whatever I do I can say I had a purpose all along. My money will help me wherever I go, whatever I do, whoever I do it with, and whenever I want it to help me, because my money is eternal.

I have more money than anyone else will ever have and even as I give it out, it still comes back to me, because money loves me. It tells me so, it tells me that it will never leave me as long as I do everything in my power to make sure that I never take it for granted. Have I taken it for granted? Obviously not! I still have so much. I don’t think I’ll ever run out. It’s such a great feeling to know that no matter how much you spend you’ll always receive more of it later on.

I don’t present myself as a person who owns a lot of money. I don’t have a fancy car and I don’t wear elegant clothes. I’m really just an average guy on the outside and I like it that way. But, money is power and the power is mine, because honestly I could choose who I give my money to. I’m not mean though. I believe that everyone might need that money, so I don’t ask them why. I never do. I feel sometimes that I should, but I don’t. I think that’s a problem, but I still do. Maybe the fact that the money will always come back is why I do none of that, but I’m basically throwing it away.

Today was another normal day, I handed out dollar bills to everyone and everyone took gladly. There’s always some joker who asks if he can have more and I give him more and he just starts laughing like it’s the strangest thing in the world. Well, I don’t laugh, I simply smile and I walk away.

“Anyone need money?” I asked and a line of greedy—yes, they’re greedy, you can see it in their eyes—citizens lined up in front of me. I handed out the money gladly, asking each what amount they needed. Some were realistic only asking for twenty dollars, but some asked for hundreds and I still followed their order. Some people thought that I must be stupid and have no perception of what money was, but I had the greatest perception of the value of money. No one could take that away from me. That will always be mine.

No one cared though, they just received and left. I’d finally reached the last person who asked for money and then as I was trying to get money there was none in my wallet. “Sorry, but it seems I've run out. I come here every day though, so just come tomorrow.”

“Sure,” the person said but they looked like they hated me. No one tells them to wait in line for something that might not be given to them. I went back home and when I went to go see if my money was there, there was none. None at all and no one is able to get into the safe except me.

 There wasn't even a sign that someone tried to get into the safe. How could this be? I didn't do anything to take my money for granted. I did notice something though. At the bottom of the safe, there was a white paper. It was a note. From who you ask. I think it was the money that left the note there.

It read: “You always give it away and rarely ever use it for yourself, so there is no need for you to obtain this much money. In fact, there is no need for you to have this money at all. We have decided that the money should belong to someone else with a greater understanding then yours of its value. Thank you for taking care of the money, but we are in no need of your assistance anymore.”

Reading that absolutely broke my heart. Someone else with a greater understanding than me? How could this be?! It was disastrous. I ran straight to the square where I gave everyone money and I asked everyone that I’d ever given money, too if they’d lend me some.

“No, sorry.”

“I’m broke.”

“Don’t you have enough of your own!”

“Leave me alone, kid.”

“I only have a few dollars and I need them for something.”

“Maybe you shouldn't be giving out all your money.”

“Learn to treat your money better and then maybe you would have it.” That one pained me to hear. I did not like the sound of it at all. I did take care of my money, because I used it to take care of others. That is the most generous thing anyone could ever think to do, is it not?!

I had no more money and I had nothing to do. How could I survive without money? I needed it. It was a part of me that was not meant to be taken away and now it was. Why? Why? Why? Why me?

I went back home and I looked in the safe once more expecting what I had seen earlier to be a lie, but no, the safe was empty. Completely empty. Nothing! Not even the note was in there anymore. The only thing in there was me now and I closed the safe with me in it. If I had no money, then maybe I didn't need to live. I could just starve to death in here. Die of dehydration. Go insane! Something, anything to take my mind off the money.

But as if the money was trying to punish me, the smell of money went inside my body and I nearly suffocated knowing that I’d never be able to take that smell in again if I ever got out of that safe. I stayed inside that safe filled with the smell of money and I enjoyed it for as long as I could.

“It’s wonderful,” I said with my last dying breath and no one ever found me in that safe, because the money protected me from ever being found. No, it really just protected itself. It knew that if someone found it and realized that someway, somehow the money did that to me that no one would ever want money again and that’s not what money wants. All money wants is to be used and to use others. It wants to be loved, so it tries to do that in any way it can.

Friday, November 14, 2014

In Regards to the Story 11.14.14

If you are a continuing reader of my story...

Do you ever wonder what any of the characters look like? Well, I was taking that into consideration the other day and decided that it would be a good idea to post what the characters look like. It's hard for me to find any good dress up games to make guys. Especially, guys like Lysander who have long hair and are luxurious people.
Also, if you've wondered what Kalliope looks like, I'm very sorry. I realize I don't give much of a description as to what she looks like. I never actually thought of it, but I did today and I decided that I had to show you guys.
If this isn't how you were imagining her, that's fine but this is how I've imagined her.

Well, here's Lysander and Kalliope. Enjoy!~

Seeing as it's very easy to imagine Lysander I won't talk much about him, but If this isn't how you were imagining Kalliope, that's fine but this is how I've imagined her. She's very blunt and so I associate that type of personality with short hair mostly for the reason that I think of blunt people as Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club. That's the real reason behind it, but honestly that was probably only in my subconscious mind.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

In Regards To The Story 11.13.14

I Apologize for not Posting The Third Chapter Of My Story...

It has been so difficult for me to write any of the third chapter due to the abundance of homework I have been given. The semester is almost over so there is an influx of assignments rushing to be done and they must be done to the best of my ability, because I absolutely need to get a good GPA and that won't happen if I don't turn in my homework, not to mention I love the satisfaction of seeing A's on my report card. Saturday, is just around the corner and I don't have much to do so I believe I can start working on the third chapter. If not, I apologize again. The third chapter will definitely be posted before Thanksgiving. Thank you valued readers!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Band 11.12.14

I Have A Drummer But Problem Is I Haven't Met Him...

My friend B***** is in a band already, so she can't be in ours but she said one of her other friends is looking to play drummer in a band and so I said to myself "This is B*****'s friend, of course he'll be cool!"
We're still trying to figure out how to meet this guy, I tried getting kik, but I couldn't and then she said that she should just get me his phone number, but she doesn't have it. Then she mentioned someone else and we just laughed.
I'm on a wild goose chase for this boy!!! It'll make a great story for the press when we're famous though!~
I can't wait to meet him though, it better be worth it (just kidding, I'm sure he's great). I'm sure you'll go to our shows, too, yes? I feel that the majority of readers in the United States do not even live in the same state as me, let alone the same area! So how many people would even come to a show because I told them to come on here? Well, that's why you make another blog. That's what will most likely happen.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I'm Not Very Original

I looked up my own name on google...

I am not the first thing that pops up. So I put the URL to my blog and I come up, but not only I, but other people who have assumed the name Lovely Fortune online. How unfortunate! I thought I was being original, but I'm just another Lovely... Well, I will stick with the name, because it was based on an original character of mine that I embody the spirit of. I feel that I am her, really. I feel so connected to the name now, that I cannot change this! I must not change this! I will stay Lovely Fortune! :) I overcame that battle.

The movie posters on top, it's pretty funny, but I haven't seen either movie. I did read the first three of the five Scott Pilgrim comics though and that was pretty neat. I'm going to see these movies soon, because I really like the actors.

The French

I Really Want To Learn The French Language...

To me, the French are lovers, they are passionate about everything, and they have great fashion taste, too. The biggest thing is they do not care what others think and they have this air of confidence about them. I've never actually met anyone French before, but this is how I think they would act and I absolutely adore it, not to mention I love their accents and their language altogether. Anything they say sounds like sugar from the French films I've seen and the music I've heard.

A big reason why I want to learn French is because Mozart L'opera Rock!!! I love it and I want to be able to sing it without sounding like I just learned. When I sing songs in Japanese and Korean it's very easy for me to do, but French is a whole different story. I know a bit, because French and Spanish (my secondary language) are very close in sound and words. I really like Killers, the French metal band, not the American alternative rock (although I do like their music) band. After hearing Clandestinite, I really wanted to sing that song with passion, because that song has a lot of passion when I listen to it and everything inside my heart wants to be able to sing with such passion and how can I do that if I sing it in English. English is such a dull language, sure we can make beautiful romantic poetry, but nothing beats the real lovers of the world, the real people who can make anything sound beautiful.

This is not such a major reason as to wanting to learn French, but in the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (very hilarious if you haven't watched it) their is a boy named Christophe (a.k.a Ze Mole). I like his accent and his character and I guess this was a stereotype of French people, but he was very rude. My teacher once told me that the French are rude, that they basically spit upon Americans when they come. I couldn't believe such a thing!!! But I could... Honestly, mostly every other country hates us, so if this is true then I do not blame them.

Last but not least, it is that I have been getting so much attention on my blog from French people that I have too learn French. It would be really cool to post something in French here just for them. How I do wish that there was one sole language among us, but there is not. There will forever be babble and that is quite sad.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Black Canary And Zatanna: Bloodspell

I just finished reading this graphic novel...

It was great and it was a fun way to pass my time. A brief summary of the book and I promise not to spoil.

Black Canary is sent to help her friends who are involved in a casino heist. The lady in charge (Tina Spettro) casts a bloodspell on every girl involved. Well, she dies, but then a year later the girls involved start dying. Black Canary calls for Zatanna's help and this is where the story starts progressing.

I wouldn't say it was an amazing story, but it was nice and I'd read it again. It's a very quick, easy-going read. Enjoy!~

My Horrible Weekend

Don't Read This if You Don't Like To Read About Gross Things...

On Saturday I ended up throwing up at least ten times. Everytime something went down my system I needed to throw up and after a while, it was just green throw up which I was guessing was my stomach acids. :(  It hurt so much and it would not stop until I took this really gross tea, but it worked so I'm not complaining. Sunday, yesterday I ended up sleeping for most of the day and I almost threw up again, but I got in a comfortable position (don't think wrong) and the sensation went away. Today, I'm just going to focus on getting better. I probably won't be using the computer much today. Also, I'm planning on finishing all my homework XD. I'm almost done, too.