
Saturday, February 7, 2015

"I Got Flowers Today" by Author Unknown

Someone posted a picture of this on twitter and so I looked it up trying to find the author of the poem. (I somehow like Author Unknown instead of Anonymous).
When I read it, it made me so sad. I think it definitely gives out awareness to girls though. It might seem hard to leave a situation like that, but in the end you have to do what's best for you even if it may be hard and it may seem like you won't be able to survive on your own. If you're scared, get help.

The poem:

I got flowers today. It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.
We had our first argument last night, and he
said a lot of cruel things that really
hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't
mean the things he said because
he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today.
It wasn't our anniversary
or any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into
a wall and started to choke me.
It seemed like a nightmare.
I couldn't believe it was real.
I woke up this morning sore
and bruised all over. I know he
was sorry because he sent
me flowers today.

I got flowers today.
It wasn't Mother's Day
or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again.
And it was much
worse than all the other times.
If I leave him, what will I do?
How will I take care of my kids?
I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.
But I know he must be sorry
because he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today.
Today was a very special day.
It was the day of my funeral.
Last night he finally killed me.

If only I had gathered enough courage
and strength to leave him, I would not have
gotten flowers today.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

More Random Facts About Me!!!

I Bet You're Getting Sick And Tired of This...

But I love doing these posts based on facts about me. I think the readers like it too since I've seen a rise in views on these. (Lol, to me 10 views on one post is the best! Highest I've ever gotten is 40 though which is great).

1. Height: 5'5 (I've grown an inch since last time I posted my height in one of these facts things) or 165 centimeters. I really don't get why the U.S. decides to be different from everyone else using their own measurement system, it would make life a whole lot easier if everyone went by the same standard rules. Not that being different is bad, but when it's something universal like this, well shouldn't there be more thought into it.

2. Virgin: Well yeah and it would be weird if I wasn't since I'm a teenager and I'm not into that sort of thing.
3. Shoe Size: 7 and a half.
4. Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

(For the next 3 questions, I must say that my health class sure taught me a lot of lessons, not that I would have done any of this in the first place. I knew how bad it was for the body since I knew what it was.)
5. Do I smoke?: No and I never will. Just a tip to those of you who are thinking about smoking and are teens, adolescents (18+), or pre-teens. I want you to think about how high your risks for different diseases gets when you smoke. Why would you want to put toxic waste into your body? Do you think it will make you look cool? Well, think again, you definitely won't look cool with bad teeth and looking older than you actually are. So yeah, take into consideration what smoking does to you.
6. Do I drink?: No and once again I never will. Same as smoking, this stuff is addictive too and it causes your brain to be altered just like smoking. Drinking can also pose a threat to society, because you might drive! If you drive, you could kill not only yourself, but others. That's not cool. Honestly, it's not cool either and think about it. Does it even taste good or do you just want to look cool? Also, if someone keeps offering you and you're not into drinking (good for you by the way) just take the drink politely and proceed by dumping it out and saying, you don't want anymore or just make an excuse.
7. Do I take drugs?: Sure, everyone takes drugs...PRESCRIPTION DRUGS!!! Stuff like marijuana, LSD, and heroine I would never take. The consequences of taking those drugs are horrible. Sure, people might say well more people die of smoking than doing marijuana, and sure it might be true, but your mind is still being altered while you're under the drug so why take it. All drugs are mind altering and they don't help you out one bit. You will be at a higher risk for many diseases and you could get panic attacks and slowed heart beat (from various drugs, I don't remember which ones off the top of my head, but I learned that.) It's scary to think that people think that if they try it once they won't get addicted, but think of it this way, "Would you rather try once and ruin your whole life, or just go on with your life and be fine?" Sure, there might be curiosity, but really how many people recover from doing drugs. It is a struggle to get off any drug and I'm sure the relapsing is horrible!

8. Age I get mistaken for: I mean being mistaken for a few ages above your normal age is not so bad, since it's still within the teen range, but it's not like I've ever been mistaken for an 11 year old or an 18 year old. I'm usually just called by my age or 1 or 2 years above it.

9. Have tattoos?: No. I'm not planning on getting any quite when I turn 18 either . 1) I'm scared of needles. 2) I don't really want to feel pain. 3) I'd rather not just cuz I think skin is a beautiful thing and for it to be covered in ink wouldn't be so great (I do believe people look really nice tatted up though XD. People look awesome with sleeves in my opinion). 4) It's a sin to get a tattoo in my religion. 5) I think I'd get bored of my tattoo quickly, sad truth. 6) It wouldn't be something original and I want something original on my body.
10. Want any tattoos?: I guess I answered that in the prior question. It would be nice if it didn't hurt though and if they were temporary.
11. Got any piercings?: Only on my ears and the normal two that most girls have. I wouldn't get any more. I'm scared of needles like I said. Not too scared, it's not a fear like I can't go to the nurse and draw out blood, but a fear like oh my gosh that's going in my body and making a hole.
12. Want any piercings?: No.

13. Best friend?: Yeah, same as always. She cut her hair if you'd like to know.
14. Relationship Status: Single, not ready to mingle.

15. Biggest Turn Ons: Funny, Passionate, Intellect, Weirdness, Smart (yes, being smart and being intellectual are two different things. I hate explaining that to people). Also, if he has talent that's a great bonus. Adam's apples an especially big turn on if we're going for physical traits. Pretty colored eyes, if you have poop brown but they look beautiful on you, I'd love to stare into your eyes. Nice smile.
16. Biggest Turn Offs: Jerk, Showoff, Stupid, Normal, Womanizer. Physical Traits that turn me off, none really. There's not much you can say is wrong with a guy, since guys can get away with looking however they want and technically it'd be socially acceptable.

17. Favorite Movie: As of right now "Metropolis"

18. I'll Love You If: We can listen to music together all the time and talk about how it makes us feel, we can talk about anything really together without it being boring or awkward.

19. Someone I Miss: My friends that went to a different high school. *tear tear* I hope to see them soon.

20. Most Traumatic Experience: Experiencing a family member die for the very first time. I don't really want to talk about it. I might open up to you guys about that, but for now I really don't like to think about that.

21. A Fact About My Personality: Well, I guess people say I'm very easy-going and I must agree that is true. I don't really like to make things troublesome for others or myself.

22. What I Hate About Myself: This is dumb *laughs* but my legs are so 
damn hairy!!! I hate my hair, too. Personality/Action/Emotional wise, I don't think I hate much about myself. I basically say, life is life.
23. What I Love About Myself: I love that I am myself and no one else.
24. What I Want To Be When I Get Older: A singer, if not a psychologist.

25: My Relationship with My Sibling(s): I barely see my half-brother. He's nice though, but can be annoying at times.
26. My Relationship with My Parents: My mom is the most awesome mom in the world. I barely see my dad though, but he's really cool. He loves comics, only thing is he usually always tries to win in a fight about something like what a character should have done in a movie. That sort of thing! XD

27. My Idea of a Perfect Date: Movies, Dinner, and then a nice trip to the park at night (safe park of course, I don't want someone to massacre us) to watch the stars. On the way home we would play beautiful music and sing along and when he drops me off at home I'll blow him a kiss and he'll send one back. He'll wait for me to go into my house and I'll sigh once I get inside and write a blog post about how perfect that date was.

28. My Biggest Pet Peeves: When people don't do easy homework, when people don't push in their chairs, when people don't stop talking when it's quite apparent someone wants them to shut up. When people don't pay attention to what you just said.

29. Description of the Boy/Girl I Like: I don't like anyone anymore. XD
30. Description of the Person I Dislike the most: haha, condescending bitch who thinks she's funny as hell but she isn't.

31. A Reason I've Lied to a Friend: I've never lied to a friend about anything. I just tell them that I can't tell them something when it's a secret. It's not lying, it's making it clear to them that they just aren't supposed to know.

32. What I Hate the Most About Work (School): P.E. That's it!

33. What My Last Text Message Said: lol yeah i know, but apparently they still want people to perform for like a pep rally, just what i heard, i doubt it's true.

34. What Words Upset Me the Most: None actually. Words are beautiful things of the world used to describe and explain and inform and amaze.
35. What Words Make Me Feel the Best About Myself: None either, I mean as long as you don't call me anything bad I always take a compliment very nicely.

36. What I Find Attractive in Women: I don't find women attractive as in relationship wise, but I think women as role models or friends should be people who are badass and don't care what anyone thinks. Also, they should be independent, not always so whiny, and should be able to express themselves coherently, not bibble babble that a girl with shit for brains would say. Lol, sorry. I just think that females these days are not making us look so good. We're all wild and we rely on men so much (that's not bad, but we should show them that we can do things ourselves, too, no?)
37. What I Find Attractive in Men: When a guy doesn't care what anyone thinks either. When he says what he feels about something and when he can make great jokes and conversation. That's about it.

38. Where I Would Like To Live: More so I'd love to travel, I like living in California already. It's great, I never want to leave.

39. One of my insecurities: My hairy legs.

40. My Childhood Career Choice: Chef, I used to watch the Food Channel all day long.

41. My Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate.

42. Who I Wish I Could Be: Myself!

43. Where I Want To Be Right Now: Honestly, at a concert!

44. The Last Thing I Ate: A chocolate muffin!

Hope you enjoyed and stay lovely!~

Monday, February 2, 2015

My Crush 2.2.15

And So I Am Not Even Sure Anymore...

About my "love" for this boy. I think that I do not like him anymore and that the infatuation has run out. Infatuation is a strange thing, yes, indeed it is. Liking this boy has taught me something though. It's taught me that even though someone doesn't share the same feelings as you and doesn't return them back, doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. I thought a little, that something was wrong with me and maybe I shouldn't have been so weird--WHAT AM I SAYING?! OF COURSE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WEIRD!!! If a guy can't accept you for who you are then screw them, you deserve someone who will love everything about you, not someone who just deals with it. That's not fair to you.
My curiosity doesn't even come when I see him and my eyes don't widen like they used to. In fact, I'm trying to act as though he never existed. It's a shame, there don't seem to be any other intriguing guys in my school.
I think and this might sound crazy, but I think I'm fine living my life as a single girl. For the rest of my life, no relationships, just my friends. It sounds kind of sad actually. I really want to cry, because I don't think anyone will ever love me since I'm so damn weird and I can't even act like a normal girl for once in my life. Oh, gosh, why am I crying about it. That doesn't make the least bit sense, I'm perfectly fine.

"If You Love Somebody, Let Them Go, for if They Return, They Were Always Yours. And If They Don't, They Never Were."
-Khalil Gibran

I did let him go for a month, and he never seemed to react...which means we aren't meant to be. Also, it's kind of funny, but this would have been my fourth month liking him, which would have made it "love". Love, such a nice idea, but not very nice when you end up getting it.

"Originality is independence, not rebellion; it is sincerity, not antagonism."
-George Henry Lewes

I am not as horrible as people make me seem. Because I am different, people think I am weird, but I think that being different is a great thing and it's not like I'm doing it to be noticed. No one notices me (mainly, because I am weird and the weird ones are the ones you notice silently not out loud or not at all) and that's okay. What isn't okay, is when people make me seem like I'm a bad person or think it's okay to make fun of me. At least I'm not a copy of everyone else.

All in all, I've learned that the person I'm going to let love me for the rest of their life is going to have to love all of me not just some of me, but every last quirk and flaw. The person I love will of course get the same in return. I hope I meet someone like that.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"I'll Always Remember You...Maybe" by Stella Pevsner

I Just Finished Reading This Book And Thought...

I should write a blog post about it since I liked it very much.

A brief summary: We follow the life of a young girl, who after her boyfriend graduates and moves on to college, tells her that she should see other people. She soon starts assessing how she feels about love, life, and independence.

I think every girl (but not limited to girls only) should read this book, because it will make them think twice about relationships and love. It will make them appreciate being independent. Right now myself, I am in a situation where I like this boy, but he is not returning the feelings. My friends (and I don't really care what they say) tell me that it will probably never work out, but my mom (and I do really care what she has to say) tells me that if he really wanted to, he would make the effort. After reading this book, I have thought about my own "love" life as well. I think that I shouldn't have to chase who I like anymore.

This book was published in 1981 and I'm sure it will keep inspiring adolescent girls to think twice about how they feel about relationships and love. I don't think it has to be limited to just love, because you could relate it to a friendship that is not going well, too and it would still make sense.

Quote from the story: '"Kid, "  I told myself, "don't chase butterflies and don't spend your life chasing love. That's it in a nutshell, take it or leave it"' (Pevsner 169-170).