
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Winter Formal 1.31.15

Today I Had My First Winter Formal...

It was really stupid. I mean it was fun and the snacks were good, but the music choice was bad. I heard there would be a wide variety of music at this dance, but there was none at all. I was very disappointed. The food had no flavor, but I beared with it since it would be my only meal. The hummus and pita bread was good though.

I only danced to a few songs, since like I said the music choice was horrible. For the last dance, I danced with my friend (boy) who danced with me and my other friend (girl), so that we could both experience a few moments of the last dance. It was nice and sweet, except I danced horribly. I really could feel myself dancing bad.

My crush did not go *tear*, but it's not like he would have danced with me if he had. I'm sure due to his religion he wouldn't have gone anyways. 

Anyways, it was a masquerade so I had a lace mask and my dress was purple. That's all for description.

Thanks for reading!~ Stay lovely with me!~

Friday, January 30, 2015

30 Facts About Me

I'm Really Bored Right Now...

I know I just posted one right now, but I really love answering questions about myself. It's soddictive.

1. Five ways to win my heart (in no particular order):

  1. You have to be funny.
  2. Be passionate about what you love.
  3. Don't treat me differently, because we're "in love".
  4. Have fun with me.
  5. Be easy-going.
2.  Something I feel strongly about: I guess I would say that I would take freedom of expression seriously. You know a lot of people are afraid and I don't think they need to be. You just have to be yourself sometimes and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
3. A book you love: "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer
4. Bullet Your Whole Day
  • 6:30 a.m. I woke up
  • 6:45 a.m. I did my hair
  • 7:00 a.m. I ate
  • 7:20 a.m. I put finishing touches on for school.
  • 7:40 a.m. I left for school.
  • 7:50 a.m. I got to school.
  • 7:55 a.m. School started
  • 2:00 p.m. I got out of school early
  • 2:30 p.m. I went to a salon (thus getting out of school early) to do my hair.
  • 4:30 p.m. I ate a hamburger
  • 5:00 p.m. I went on my computer and took pictures of myself
  • 6:00 p.m. I was on my computer and I am currently on it right now
5.  Things You Want to Say to an Ex: I have never had an ex, but I have had many crushes and I know they all thought I was weird, so if anything I'd probably say something like "Wow, I liked you."
6. My Views on Mainstream Music: I love music, I don't care if it's mainstream or non-mainstream. Honestly, music is something to be loved, sure we have to categorize it as mainstream, non-mainstream, etc., but I wish all of that could be thrown away. It's just needed for lack of a better descriptive word. I mean I like lots of non-mainstream music, but that doesn't mean I don't like mainstream music, I mean I love Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and tons more mainstream artists (plus by the way for those of you who think that bands like Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, and more of the bands that have shirts sold at Hot Topic are not mainstream. They are! They would not have their T-shirt's being sold at a store if they were not, no matter how badly you want to believe you are so different for listening to it! Sorry about the rant, but I just want everyone to know that they should like their music, because they honestly like it, not because it's what they think is cool or they think it's not cool so it makes them cooler, because that's fake) a lot, what am I supposed to do? Be ashamed of that fact and act like I don't like them to my friends? No way, I love all music and I don't really care what any of my friends have to say about it.
7. Five Pet Peeves (in no particular order):
  1. Hearing people chew their food.
  2. When people don't pull in their chair.
  3. When people look at what you're looking at when you're shopping literally over your shoulder.
  4. When kids don't do the easy homework
  5. People barging into my room.
8. What I Ate Today: In the morning I had pizza and in the afternoon I had a burger, I might eat a yogurt later on at 9
9. How Important I Think Education Is: So here is the thing about school. It is a really good thing. I think everyone needs education, the problem is now they want everyone to be at the same level. I think every kid should be allowed to challenge themselves. For example, I already took algebra, but guess what, I have to take it again, because laws now state everyone has to be at the same level. That's detrementing the learning process for kids who work at a faster pace. Also, their should be classes on not just educational things like math, science, english, and social studies. There should be classes that kids want to take and I'm not saying electives like art and computers, I'm talking electives specialized for each student. I want to be a psychologist when I grow up, I would love to have a class where I could learn things that have to do with how the brain works and I'm not saying your typical AP Psychology class, something different. I love silent films, why not a history on silent films class? What is wrong with that? Nothing at all. Everyone should be able to learn about things they are interested in. I think that's what college is for now, since there are many classes to take now and a variety of clubs. I think everyone should experience college, but I know many cannot and for that I do not understand. Why must college cost money? People want to learn, why are you making them pay? It's basically saying that the rich are the only one's who can learn and if you're lucky enough, you'll get a scholarship.
10. Put My Music Player on Shuffle and Right the First Ten Songs That Play:
  1. "Spoiler" by SHINee
  2. "Gangnam Style" by Psy
  3. "World is Mine" by Hatsune Miku
  4. "Stronger" by Britney Spears
  5. "21 Guns" by Green Day
  6. "These Boots Were Made For Walking" by Nancy Sinatra
  7. "Clandestinite" by KILLERS (French Metal Band lol)
  8. "Capitol P" by Mindless Self Indulgence
  9. "If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago
  10. "We Will Rock You" by Queen
11. My Family: Well what about them? I guess they like to judge me a lot. I mean sometimes for good reasons, but other times it's like I didn't even do anything so why are you bagging on me?! *sigh* Sometimes I don't understand adults.
12. Five Guys Whom I Find Attractive:
  1. Jimmy Urine
  2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (BECAUSE YES!)
  3. Florent Mothe
  4. Tyson Ritter
  5. My crush XD (AS OF RIGHT NOW!!!)
13. My opinion about my body and how comfortable I am with it: I guess the only thing I would say that I hate about my body is how hairy it is. I also don't like my hair much. Other than that, I'm fine with everything else. I want someone to fall in love with my personality anyways.
14. What I Wore Today: My uniform
15. My Zodiac/Horoscope and if I think it fits my personality: Dragon/Virgo. I think both fit my horoscope. I think Chinese Zodiac is supposed to describe a year as a whole. All the people born at the time will be that way, so it's kind of weird, but not really, it just goes to show how people are all very similar in one way or another. I think I really do fit Virgo, I won't go into it in detail, but on my twitter account I retweet a lot of horoscope things, especially Virgo because I am one myself, and a lot of it describes me.
16. Something I always think "What if" about: I always wonder "What if I had decided to stay my normal self instead of become a weirdo no one liked, because of all my unpopular opinions?" I'm glad I am the way I am.
17. Something I'm Proud of: My intelligence, independence, and talent.
18. A Problem That I Have Had: As of right now, it's just grades grades grades. That's all I'm ever worried about.
19. Five items I lust after:
  1. Awesome clothes
  2. Awesome make-up
  3. Figurines
  4. Video Games/Consoles
  5. Vacations
20. My fears: Fear of dying.
21. How I hope my future will be like: I hope I can be singing in a band, living the life I've always wanted to and helping out everyone.
22. My academics: I don't get this one, I guess I will put down my favorite class instead. Biology.
23. Something that I miss: My friends who went to a different high school.
24. Five words/phrases that make me laugh: Honestly, none. I have to be in the moment. It's not like their is something that makes me laugh everytime I hear it.
25. Something I'm Currently Worrying About: I guess my curreent assignments in school.
26. Things I Like and Dislike About Myself: I like everything about myself, there's only one Lovely Fortune and that's me!
27. A quote I try to live by: A few of them I don't have just one. "If I decide to be an idiot, then I'll be an idiot on my own accord." - Johann Sebastian Bach
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss (This I love going by, because there should be less moments of tears in our lives and more filled with smiles.)
"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." -Voltaire (although I know I don't really go by this one I try to)
"If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything" - Mark Twain (Personally, this is the one I have been going by for a while)
28. Somewhere I'd Like To Move To Or Visit: I really love California, I don't really want to move, but I'd love to travel the world. Everywhere in fact! My first choice will be Austria or Germany, because I want to learn German.
29. Five weird things that I like:
  1. Silent Films
  2. New Wave Music (lol I don't think teens know what that is nowadays, so I'm putting it down as weird since that's my age group)
  3. Porcelain Dolls
  4. Psychological Disorders (studying them, not having them)
  5. PVC clothing
30. One Thing I'm Excited For: As of right now the winter formal that will be taking place tomorrow 1/31/15 

10 Random Facts About Me

I Really Love Doing These Posts...

1. Nickname: I don't have a nickname, actually. Unless weirdo/freak/creep counts, and I don't think it does.

2. Eye Color: Really dark brown that people say it's black.

3. Hair Color: Black

4.  One Fact About Me: I used to be in gymnastics when I was eight and I can still do some tricks.

5. Favorite Color: Black
6. Favorite Place: I don't  know honestly the world is great
7. Favorite Celebrity: Mainstream Celebrity - Taylor Swift Non-mainstream  Celebrity - Jimmy Urine
8. Favorite Animal: Narwhal!
9. Favorite Song: As of right now it's "Gives You Hell" by The All-American Rejects
10. I don't know I guess "Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger

Straightening My Hair

I Only Do This Every Once in a While...

Because I don't have anyone to impress by doing it all the time. Also, my mom doesn't want to pay for it, because that would be really expensive. I don't even know why I made this post since I can't put a picture of myself. I just wanted you up to par with my life, so I hope you still read since it's short. 

I will post another random facts next, today, I'm really bored and I don't want to do my homework quite yet.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Music Program 1.29.15

So I am Finally in the Music Program...

Last Monday 1/26/15 was our first meeting. It was cool, our mentors are very nice. My crush decided to do drums, but he wasn't their last class, so I'm guessing he doesn't want to be in it anymore. Well, there's nothing like teaching yourself (by the way, I am learning guitar if I haven't already mentioned and I'm teaching myself slowly, but surely)!~

At the end of class, people offered songs and the highest chosen song was "Take Me To Church" by Hozier. This is my unpopular opinion, but I really don't like that song. The chorus really makes it,but everything else is pretty blah if you ask me. I'm sorry if you don't want to hear that and you're just screaming at me right now for saying such a thing. The lyrics are stupid and I honestly don't like what they are saying. The song is bad until the chorus and how long does that last?! NOT LONG!

Anyways, I've been practicing it though and learning it and hoping that all goes well and when we have our little showcase, we'll do a great job on whichever song it is we choose to perform at the end.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Miss Universe

If you didn’t watch Miss Universe Last Night...

Well, here is just a brief fill in. There were many beautiful girls, but it all boiled down to the final five countries:
-The Netherlands
-United States of America

It was actually a very fun show to watch. I never expected to like something like that since I'm not really into girly things, but it reminded me of Hetalia! (Anybody else like anime? If so comment below) and that was the exciting part.

In the end our winner of Miss Universe was Colombia (Paulina Vega). As you can see below, very pretty. (I expected a better turn out with this blog post, but nevermind XD I will be writing a story inspired on pageants though). 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Figure Skating

I Have A Newfound Love For Figure Skating...

I always liked it, but last night I decided to watch the U.S. Championships (only half since I was bored and just flipping through the channels) and I fell in love. I never thought much about figure skating, but it truly is a form of art. The way the figure skaters bodies move gracefully, almost as if they were floating in the air, was so beautiful. Now I think I'm going to keep watching more figure skating right now as I see I am interested in it. It's very interesting.
When I was younger, I used to take an ice skating class and I thought it was cool back then, too. I think with a little practice, I could probably learn to ice skate again. It truly is a fun sport and that's saying a lot, because I don't like sports. I only like tennis (to play), golf (to watch, I suck at mini golf so imagination real golf!), track (to do), gymnastics (to watch, but I enjoy doing cartwheels and the such), and swimming (to watch and do). Now I will add figure skating to the list. I actually do like a lot of sports when you look at that list, it just doesn't seem like a lot when I tell people.

Just a little dress up game I played