
Friday, March 6, 2015

What is Music?

I Think Everyone Has This Completely Different Perception of What Music Is:

There are so many subtopics to what I'm asking. Let's start easy.

[Sorry, I'm definitely not an expert so you can't take my word on this, I'm only saying what I think and  what seems right to me. All of this is my opinions.]

What is music?

  1. vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
    • the art or science of composing or performing music.
    • a sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious.
  1. 2.
    the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound.
    • the score or scores of a musical composition or compositions.

That seems to be the simple definition of it, but is that really all that music is? I think a lot of people would beg to differ. Sure, this is all the simple stuff, but I think music is more than just sounds that produce beauty, because music I like might not sound beautiful to others and vice versa.

Music Throughout History

Throughout history I'm sure music was meant to evolve with the times, but just like now there was probably the non-mainstream underground music. I'm sure back then it was something very scandalous (I mean like the 1700's lol, but I'm sure until the '60s underground music was very strange to others who weren't open to something new) too. Music is supposed to convey themes of what people are going through during those times or times before. Take the song "Orange Crush" by R.E.M. for example. That song is about a chemical defoliant used during the Vietnam War. Throughout history though, there will always be those recurring themes in music that we can all relate to. Love, breakups, friendship, death, depression, happiness. We will always have that throughout history, I doubt that will ever change. We will however get songs that are about things that are not so common and some of them become hits and some of them become something no one has heard of. I wonder why?

People Nowadays With Music

What I'm noticing nowadays is that people don't give anything a chance, they only let what other people tell them to listen to be the songs they hear. Sure, that's okay, but don't let someone else's playlist be your playlist. Even when people think they're being different, they're sometimes only doing it to be different, not necessarily because they like it and I hate when people ask me, "Why do you like that? No one else does." I like it because I do, should there be more of an explanation there?!?! No.

The Older Generation

Our parents. I really admire them, but they can be very close-minded, too. They'll only stick to what they grew up listening to not what we listen to, but if it weren't for my mom I don't think I'd be so open-minded to music, even if she won't try out my songs all the time. They do seem more open to music than kids these days do.

How Does Music Connect Us?

Well, it does that's obvious, but why? I think because some songs are so deep and people have a more emotional connection to the song then we think, the fact that someone else is able to relate can connect us. People are more attracted to those who listen to the same music as them, so why wouldn't it.

Why People Should Have A More Diverse Taste In Music

People should have a more diverse taste in music, because if you don't you will never be able to indulge in some great songs if you were just close-minded to one genre and only mainstream. People who only listen to non-mainstream music, should try out mainstream too, because their are some really cool popular songs out there and you just might be missing out. Music is a try-and-find-out process. You can try out a song and if you like it, that's great; if you don't, well you tried and found out it wasn't your cup of tea.

Why You Shouldn't Be Ashamed of the Music You Like

It's music. It's what you like and it shouldn't matter what anyone else says. It's absolutely pathetic to think people judge others based solely on music taste. If you love music so much, you should understand that everyone likes different things and we shouldn't all be into the same thing or else that would be boring.

Well, I tried!!! Thanks for reading!!! Leave some comments down below!!!~ Love you guys!

Monday, March 2, 2015

"What's Going On?" by 4-Non Blondes (Cover)

I Really Want Constructive Criticism...

Since I can't show my face on here, I'd just like you to hear my voice instead. I feel really good about this. =) I'm not the best in the world (obviously), but I really hope I can improve and I'd love it if you could just leave some comments for me. >_<  This is the first time I've done this, so yeah...If it doesn't work I'm very sorry.

So I edited this, here is the original song by Four Non Blondes, with the lyrics =) Now you can compare my (sucky) singing to this:

School 3.2.15

Everything Has Been So-So...So Far This Semester:

I'm getting more and more used to how my new (can I even call it that, it's just a transition from middle to high school, right?) school works. Right now everything is alright, but it's always around this time of the year where I tell myself that I don't care. Of course, I still do care, but the thing is their are certain classes I no longer care about. It's really the teacher's fault. I don't have any teachers that teach bad necessarily, but they aren't good at explaining or they expect to much and it's hard to meet their needs.

Period 1: Biology has been great. It's been my favorite class the whole year and I doubt that will change. My teacher gives really good notes and explains everything where even you could be a mini biologist. We recently finished making a DNA model out of wire and beads. Last week on Thursday we presented our analogies. We had to compare things having to do with protein synthesis to whatever subject we chose. My partner and I chose to do a movie set and I won't go into more detail about that, because I wouldn't want to bore you (not all of you would be bored though to tell the truth. I'm sure I've got some science nerds in that poll of readers).

Period 2: P.E. will always be a hassle. They reduced our mile time to 9:30 seconds as the time to beat. It hurts so much, but knowing that I'll be healthier makes it okay...I guess. We have a test tomorrow (3.3.15).

Period 3: Algebra I gets more and more boring. I already took it in 7th grade so having to retake it now just bothers me. I do try hard in that class because I know I had trouble with it in 7th grade, more reason for me not to want to take the class again.

Period 4: Native Spanish I is always the funnest class. I come here after P.E. and my mood brightens because the teacher is so funny. I think we're going to have a project pretty soon, because our current unit is about Art and Music in Hispanic culture and I think that  there is a lot of options to choose from in that category. It's something everyone can enjoy.

Period 5: English is always horrible =D My teacher never explains much of the assignments we get with much clarity. I just decided, you know what, I don't even care about this class anymore. My writing is never graded with the grade I think I deserve (and it's not like I'm the world's greatest writer, but I mostly come out with a badly written essay, because it's not something I would ever write unless I was forced too). Right now, we're reading To Kill A Mockingbird (book review on that coming soon when we finish reading the book) and we have to do an essay. We had four options to choose from and I decided to choose the easiest one, because I didn't feel passionate about the others and this one was just simple explaining. "Who are the three most courageous characters and why?" Easy, right?! Well, my thesis statement (fixed 2 times, this is my third) and my introduction (first time turning it in, will be fixed once) still haven't been approved. That's what's going on with me in this class right now. Wish me luck.

Period 6: Well I no longer have health class *sob sob*. We have computer class now, which is easy as pie so I don't mind at all. I'm the fastest typist in the class which made me happy. =)

Please if you have any suggestions on new blog posts send me an idea in the comment bar (you have to lick on "No Comments" btw) or send me an e-mail here. Thanks so much. Stay lovely!~