
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Old Navy Ad Stirs Up Rage From the Alt-Right

Who Knew A Simple Ad Could Become a Big Problem...

This is just like that incident a year or so ago when Cheerios released a commercial with an interracial family. Controversy came with it, but I don't see why. As a person of mixed race myself, I see zero reason for controversy or hate towards these kind of advertisements. Of course, everyone has different opinions and I'm sure there are people out there who believe they should only date people from their own race and not a different one. But it's safe to say that the comments section of this ad on Twitter says some really shitty stuff. I'm all about freedom of speech and I stand behind these people's right to say this shit, I just don't agree with it at all and would even consider it a very warped perspective. Anything taken to the extreme is pretty warped and this is just another example of that. There has been this idea circulating around of a "white genocide," because eventually whites are going to be the minority of the population in many countries where they were once the majority. I get it. You think some sort of culture or history is being lost, but that doesn't make it a "white genocide." At some point, you have to think, that people aren't attracted to others solely based on race.

Here's the advertisement and a link to the post on Twitter if you want to read the comments on there, I'll only be responding to a few in this post: 

What's wrong with this picture? Nothing at all. It is just an interracial family. I have to admit, that I do get weird stares when I'm out in public with both my mom and dad. If I'm alone with my dad (he is the black one) everything is peachy keen, no one casts a second glance. If I'm alone with my mom (she is the mexican one), it's more likely that people will wonder whether I am adopted or what my relation is. I don't see what fascination or dislike towards this type of family would be though. If they are happy, that is all that matters. As for this white genocide crap, I feel like it's something white supremacists or just plain racists are saying. I see zero problem in this picture. My mom once told me it is really hard to be in an interracial relationship, because people will look at you like it's weird--and again as I said above, we have gotten weird stares--and she also mentioned how family members won't really ease into the idea, you know they'll be discriminatory. I mean, even now, my dad's side of the family will make jokes about Mexicans and my mom's side will make jokes about blacks and it doesn't bother me, because I like a good joke, I don't care if it's about race, but they'll do it and justify it by saying, "You're not full black" or "You're not full Mexican." It's a really weird thing being of mixed race, because I find myself being criticized for not identifying as one of my races more than the other. There is a constant criticism I think with mixed race people and interracial couples and it's kind of horrible, but it's kind of expected at this point. Does it make it right? No, but a lot of strength and courage comes with the role, no matter what position you may be in either as someone who's dating a person of a different race or if you yourself are the byproduct of a biracial couple. The end result is absolutely confidence, because you've got to be true to yourself.

So that's the end of my sentiment with the advertisement, now I'll be confronting comments on the ad as seen on twitter.

Well, first of all, gender neutral bathrooms and pedophilia are two totally different things. Acceptance of an interracial couple is way different than accepting something that may not be comfortable to others (gender neutral bathrooms) and accepting mentally sick people who need to be fucking treated and/or locked up (pedophiles). The fact that you would never shop there again, because Old Navy is fine with a black lady and white guy with a mixed race kid is pretty messed up. I guess I'm as @RousetheMasses would put it "absolutely disgusting" because I have more than one race in my blood. It makes zero sense to base your thoughts on someone from their race. I know it's just an ad, but like if they were a legit family, would you really think they were disgusting? She then proceeds to say she doesn't "like seeing anti-white propaganda." This is in no way anti-white propaganda. You do not have to date a black person, you can date a white person if you want. Old Navy is not saying, "Date a black person or you are a horrible bigot," they just made an advertisement for their products. The only people who are seeing this as anti-white are people who think getting rid of pure white people off the face of this planet is going to destroy the world. One, there will probably at some point in the world if the apocalypse doesn't occur first be a time when, yes, there will be no more white people, but there will probably also be no other purebred people of any other race either.

In this users bio he mentions the #AltRight, if you aren't aware of what that is, it's basically a very far-right political ideology. You could basically say they are the conservative equivalent to the regressive left. Now, not all alt-right people are bad, because not all of them believe in this white supremacy and not all of them are even white. What I think the main goal really is is to not have this hatred towards whites. With that being said, please, dude, you're making the alt-right look even worse than it already is. Anything to the extreme is bad, but when you see shit like this, it just confirms it even more. He says his family is never going to step into Old Navy again. I'd say that's a bit much. It's just a fucking ad, man. He also says miscegenation is "rammed down our throats from every direction." I'd say it isn't. I don't see much of it, if I did I think I would have noticed by now, but maybe I don't. Either way, media promotes whatever is a hot button and how to keep it PC and considering this became controversial maybe there will be more interracial/mixed race family representation in the coming weeks. Depending on how the situation is handled it could make the reaction better or worse. If these alt-right, white supremacist type people already feel a little defensive about this ad, imagine how much more defensive and critical they'll become after seeing an increase in mixed race representation. Especially since the media won't portray their opinion on the issue, so it just inflames more anger. I recently read a book by Ben Shapiro called Primetime Propaganda, and it basically explains how liberals have taken over the media with no regard to the fact that half of the country is conservative. If they're given little to no representation and also made fun of countless times in these shows by getting their values mocked and whatnot, of course, they'll be defensive. Likewise, if some sort of media response to this occurs, the alt-right will get mad and make an even bigger fuss about the increased promotion of "miscegenation," so if the topic is approached it's going to have to be handled correctly in a way that shows both sides, but of course also just points out why one opinion is probably better than the other. I know, I know, no opinion is better than another, but there are stupid opinions and there are smart opinions (and even that is fucking subjective). What I'm trying to say is, make sure to back up your opinion if you're going to put it out for people to access.

Ok, not going to lie, that was an okay joke, but then again I laugh at everything. Ah, today's a sad day to remind myself that I usually lean right. I choose to be on the left today lol.

More alt-right shit stains of the internet. I try my hardest not to insult people now, because I've learned that people are going to think I have some sort of bias, which at times I obviously do, but like this chick is a shit stain of the internet. Haha, her bio says she's a nationalist. Because we haven't seen what horrible things nationalism to this extremity did! *cough* Hitler *cough* From what I've seen in videos I've watched and in the Republican debates, I thought conservatives liked Israel. What the actual fuck right now? She is telling this chick to get out of America, well as the White Stripes once said, "Why don't you kick yourself out, you're an immigrant, too?" People on the alt-right are very antisemitic, which is just another stupid part of their sect on the political spectrum. I don't know why, but I've always since I learned about the Holocaust had this empathy for Jews, then I learned they'd basically been persecuted since they've existed which kind of sucks. So basically, this chick, Bella Dashwood thinks interracial couples are bad and Jews are not welcome in America. Ok then. Oh, and she supports Trump. I have no hope for the Alt-right anymore after seeing these tweets.

"Cool story bro, tell it again." Yeah, white people would never dare date a black person. I mean what a faux pas, right?

Lol ok, I gave this one a nice chuckle.

Possibly one of the stupidest comments, but there could be worse, I'm not going to look at anymore comments, so feel free to check out the insanity, but like dude, what the actual fuck. An advertisement for a 30% off discount for fucking Old Navy clothes is not propaganda for White Genocide. Her bio had to, of course, say she was a part of the Alt-Right and she says she's an "unapologetic lover of tradition." Sorry, but by those standards then you should love this ad, because freedom of expression has been a part of the 1st amendment for a long time...Old Navy can freely use this ad to express whatever is they wanted to express. I highly doubt they were expressing "white genocide," but you know you love tradition so you should love this. Moving on, Old Navy never said they hate white babies and just because they show a black kid does not mean they hate them. Also, why does this advertisement hold so much power over these alt-righters? Like, all they have to do is date someone who is white...why should they care if other white people are dating people of other races? It isn't a problem. It's just stupidity.

Well, that's all I wanted to share with you guys. What do you think about this? I know I had an apparent bias, but if you are an alt-righter, I would not mind at all hearing your opinion on this. Thanks for reading! Also, shop at Old Navy lol! I wonder how their sales will be after this.


  1. I'm a white male and I've been really attracted to black girls lately, so this really doesn't bother me lol. I actually like seeing white men with black girls lol.

    1. Hello, if you're seeing my response, thanks for reading my article? I was just wondering, are you an alt-righter? And if so, what compelled you to become one? Thanks! =)
