Just the world of a teenage girl who loves music and writing.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Breakfast At Tiffany's
"Breakfast At Tiffany's" is a 1961 American romantic comedy film based on the novella of the same name by Truman Capote.
The movie is about Holly Golightly, an eccentric and innocent (and might I add quite charming) girl, who one days meets Paul Varjak (whom she calls Fred, because he reminds her of her brother) who forgot the keys to his apartment located above hers. They talk while she is getting ready to make her weekly visit to Sally Tomato, a mobster who pays her to visit (she has no money, so she needs it). After Holly comes back, she sneaks up to Paul's room and talks with him, but after having a nightmare she gets leaves upset. She calls Paul the next day and buys him a new typewriter ribbon (he's a writer) as well as inviting him to a party at her house. Well, of course, it's not a romance movie for nothing, of course these two develop a relationship, but other than that there's not much more I can say about the movie. Not because I would spoil it, but just because there is no way to articulate the scenes without making it sound very...boring??? It's not a boring movie, but I'm sure if someone summarized one of many great scenes, you might not like it. It's VERY funny/charming. It's so light-hearted. If you're having a bad day, I assure you watching this movie will brighten the mood.
Cast (Just 3 characters lol):
Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly (Iconic role! Apparently, she said it was one of her hardest, because she was an introvert playing an extrovert) George Peppard as Paul Varjak (I liked him a lot. He complimented Audrey's character very well.) Patricia Neal as 2E (Ok, so I hated her the minute she got on the screen. If you're smart you'll realize what she was doing for Paul)
This movie actually has a lot of subtle undertones to many different things. SPOILER ALERT...MAYBE??? There's definitely a hint of Holly being a bit mental. I mean throughout the film she changes a lot. Her mood a lot towards the end, but in the beginning we get a feeling that she's just not right. That perhaps she isn't at peace with herself.
Throughout the movie she talks about getting paid $50 in the powder room every time she goes out with one of her rats. Reading up on it, I saw that this movie was about prostitution. Which would bring me back to the top portion of this analysis, where I say she is a bit mental. Yeah, maybe all along she never liked that lifestyle. Such a pretty girl, getting paid to go out with all these men. It really could have been about prostitution.
I think also this movie is about how relationships go wrong. Although, I'm very unsure of how much time went by in this movie (as there was a scene that said months, but it really felt like days...two weeks tops). Anyways, in this relatively short amount of time, Holly and Paul have been "going out" to say the least, but there were so many ups and downs in between. I feel as though it's supposed to show us that relationships may be hard, but we must go through them like Paul and Holly did.
Holly lives in this fantasy world, she wants everything to be nice and great, especially for when her brother Fred comes back. Once again, goes back to the mental thing I said. She may have had many mental disorders, but we'll never know.
I think that's all I can analyze from it right now. Watching this movie was great. It shows quite a difference between the times back then and now. I mean everything was absolutely jolly about those times. It's very pleasant.
The iconic song from this film is ""Moon River"" by Henry Mancini. You can apply the whole thing to the movie. Essentially, Holly and Paul are each other's moon rivers. I'm just being vague about it though, because I'm sure you could make more connections to the film with the song.
There are a lot of great quotes in the film too like: "I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead."
My rating is 8/10. Although, very charming and humorous, some scenes could have been shorter and I don't know, I feel like I'm missing something. That it needed something more. The ending doesn't satisfy you either. It's a lot of build up and it's not necessarily a let down, it's just...maybe it could have been done better? A different ending. It's not a bad ending...but there could have been multiple endings just as good and possibly better that would have still went with the film.
I hope you watch this film. I mean it's so classic. It's the kind of movie everyone should watch at least once in their life.
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