
Sunday, October 12, 2014

School 10.12.14

Here is how I feel about all my subjects in this point of time.

Biology is cool, but I don't want to learn about cells at all. I do want to learn, but I hate all the homework our teacher gives us. It's too much and all I can think about these days are cytoplasms.

Phsyical Education is of course the worst subject in the history of all subjects. I have to play soccer which is pretty cool, but I suck and I am a burden upon my team. I am sure of it.

Algebra One is fine. All we're learning about is ratios. :P

Spanish class is just fiiiine.

In English we're about to read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, which is pretty cool. :)

In Health we have an all or nothing project. SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, hopefully my GPA goes up, but if not, this is how school feels like for me. :D

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